
the controls are similar to pretty much ANY mmo, automatic combat? I dunno... you aim with your mouse, and fire with left and right click, and # or CTRL+# for items and special abilities... well that's the "shooter controls" which are way more fun than the basic ones.

I didn't know WOW had space combat and played like a third person shooter.

Romulans also have ridges.

saying "I can't be bothered to" usually means "I think I'm above it" or "I'm lazy as fuck" in the context you said it in. You pretty much made an entire "Why post" scenario if you didn't care. if you didn't care you wouldn't have posted at all.

More like you stated that you're too lazy to look it up.

Yes, you're right, sorry.

the graph says lowest framerate was 4, with an average of 18.

This is a compact PC, it's weak, and has small parts... think a strong laptop without a screen with a very small form factor.

This made me laugh.

I have been paying attention, there isn't some magic sexist barrier stopping women from doing things in the gaming industry. Stop pretending that there is one.

no, I'm pretty sure I got it.

No one is stopping women into doing that. My apathy is because for some reason there's this view that it's the company's fault there aren't more women doing things. It isn't.

You're not getting it, I don't care that she's a woman, a lot of people really don't. It's the ultra feminist articles, and her trying really really really hard to claim things are being sexist.

give me an article of her's that isn't super feminist and pretending something is a problem when it's coincidental if anything...... and C is not a point.

I didn't know feminist = liberal.

Patricia..... I'm sorry... I really really try to like you, but not a single article you have posted has been good. You and others are still looking at something that wasn't a problem, You're making a mountain out of a molehill. This isn't oppressing woman's rights or any BS like that. They just happened to have

That doesn't make it NOT a GBC game, that just means they put in a special feature for GBA.

My PC can already pull of nicer than this, nothing new here.

This has nothing to do with sexism, god damn it. Why is this "news"

they did... but it was white because they can't tell the difference apparently.