
As Dave Attell says about a game of horseshoes, this can only end in two ways: 1) This is boring, let's do something else, or, 2) OWWW! My eye!

I put a radiation hazard sticker on the back of my '79 Mustang GT when I was 19.

I think if you printed out all those pics and made a flipbook, you've just seen the whole movie.

I'm still calling Shennanigans on the police report from the original spy photos story, the one where the photographer was "arrested." The police report clearly stated the vehicle had no VIN or license, while a license plate for Michigan can be clearly seen in the "spy" photos.

Wow. When I was growing up, I thought William Shatner was the coolest as Captain Kirk in reruns and in TJ Hooker in first run.

No. Not cool. Don't make me sick the RIAA after this VW.

The police report says no license plate or VIN, but the spy photos clearly show a Michigan plate on the rear of the car. What's up? Don't make me call shennanigans.