
It is NOT a “significantly large” portion of the population - no matter how many spongers this guy personally knows. Actual research backs up this. What research doesn’t back up? Apocryphal comments from anonymous persons who may have a political agenda.

OK, since you’re already ungrayed, I’m wondering how exactly you know that “a significantly large portion of the population” abuses the system and has no desire to pull themselves out of poverty. Maybe it’s just a significantly large portion of your friends and family.

I suggest that if food stamp recipients are to be questioned about what they do with their taxpayer funded benefits, then defense contractors should be too.

Yeah, I’m often told by people that they prefer dogs over cats because they find litter boxes gross. Like, more gross than having to bag up dog poop in the rain? I’ll never understand.

I have to appreciate the irony that the animal that actively cleans itself and chooses to crap in scented gravel is the one less likely to be accepted.

In my experience, a sizable majority of dog owners.

I absolutely want to fight about this. While I’m not anti-dog, per se, I am anti many dog owners. I don’t own any dogs, don’t plan to ever own dogs and think it’s not too much to ask four things of dog owners:

You know what I hate? The fact that “pet friendly” is usually code for “dog friendly only, no other pets”. Notably for hotels. Thank goodness its been years since I’ve had to travel such distances with a cat that required a hotel stay, but it does happen (especially for moves) and most of the time when a hotel says

And also most these places as far as I’m aware still have shit policies when it comes to childcare yet now everyone and their mum can bring pets in.

Let’s not pretend that Amazon and other companies are allowing people to bring their dogs into work because they care about employee happiness. They are doing it because employees will work longer hours if they don’t have to go home to take care of their dogs.

If a Republican candidate was anti-abortion, conservative and in favor of common sense gun control, Republicans voters would still vote for them over the Democrat. The problem is, in primaries, the NRA gives money to pro-gun candidates, tilting the scales in their favor.

Also going to s/o Paula’s Choice as a quality alternative. Way better smelling too

Just stick w the things from DE that really work well for you and go budget on others. I splurge on the serums, but I also use an $8 face wash (cerave) and $10 moisturizer (mizon).

I love Drunk Elephant. Please tell me if other brands are actually comparable or I should continue budgeting money towards face creams instead of retirement. thanks!

Well that sucks if he got banned but he can just create another account, right, he’ll just be in the greys?

Blade- the villains were a group of white men sitting around a table ruling the world who held Blade with a mixture of fear and loathing. When they want to kill him? They send police officers...

Dog shows should be banned. They’re responsible for the interbreeding and genetic decline of dogs, their worsening health problems, and they’re also responsible for a lot of dogs ending up in shelters. This article is cute, but it doesn’t address the fact that dog shows are inherently unfair and in fact damaging to

Nah, she has a history of doing this. There are people who devote their entire lives to scamming the government, and she is one of them.

Maybe...if it wasn’t the 6th time she failed to deliver on a government contract.

Both Nixon and Garson were already good friends of SJP when the shooting of the series began. So not surprising they’re siding with her.