“There was no intent behind it, just an equal, non-sexist method of referring to soldiers of different genders.”
Yeah I’m going to have to call BS on that. Just because it is used casually, doesn’t make it ok. Does anyone ever say “have a male do it”? Nah, never.
You can try to frame it as a personal sensitivity, but…
I’m not talking about people who use female AND male with the same frequency. But people who use “female” to address women and “men/man” to address men.
A long labor in and of itself is not a sign of fetal distress, as others have said. More to the point, though—who cares if the baby is in distress? I mean that literally, even if it sounds very blunt. Obviously most mothers would want their baby to be saved using all available options, but not every mother would.
I’m curious why she was so against having another c-section after having two. It’s says she had an 8-month recovery, but I don’t know if that means there were complications or it just took that long to feel ‘normal.’
Look into VBAC if you want to know more. Many women are chosing to try for “vaginal birth after c-section” but it can be more difficult and some doctors refuse to even try it.
well, keep in mind that “labor” in this case probably doesn’t mean the second (pushing) stage of labor. Early and active labor, during which the body prepares for delivery, can take days. Ask me how I know. :(
The length of labor doesn’t really matter - it’s whether there’s fetal distress. The lawsuit claims that the patient wasn’t told that she needed a c-section because of danger to the baby, but rather because of the doctor’s timeline.
I think it’s notable that even the medical chart didn’t document any clear distress:
You can sit with me.
You are an idiot if you think that a person of interest is not a suspect. Especially if you are dating someone. Close personal relationship status always pegs a person as a suspect. I am looking at this from a very rational viewpoint, you are the one who is trying to turn it into abstract principles.
Staying there is a better move than risking a needle in the arm by returning. The only reason you need to run from the cops is knowing the cops are looking for you. It is your patriotic duty to make them come to you when-or-if they have evidence. Innocence has nothing to do with it. Better to live with suspicion than…
The more innocent a person is, the less smart it is to cooperate with the cops. The idea that if you are innocent then your best bet is to cooperate has put more innocent people in prison than anything else on earth.
Did he.....did he get RADICALIZED?
OKC taught me how many poly couples spend an inordinate amount of time telling others how wonderful and evolved their relationship is... until you get involved with one or both and are either used as a sex toy or are caught in between the jealousies that said poly couple spent ages trying to convince others didn’t…
Yesterday I went with my youngest to her field trip to a pumpkin farm and she made me buy pumpkins and carve them today. I’d never done that before (we’re not American). But we did it, here they are:
It’s the eve of Halloween Month! What is everyone doing to get ready for the most wonderful time of the year? I’ve been researching pumpkin scone recipes to make for tomorrow, and I bought this great candleholder at Target.
Grants are to academia what tipping is to the service industry—it’s been wedged in there as a necessity and forces the people dependent on it to spend most of their professional lives tap dancing for pennies.
You think a fucking STIPEND is actual pay? That’s worse than pretending adjuncts are treated fairly.
I didn’t mean any slight to the person choosing sex work—I could have phrased that more clearly. I don’t think I made a better or worse choice. I made the one I did in that situation—and the woman in the article made hers. She wasn’t pretending it was her only choice.
The problem is the discrepancy between what adjuncts bring in ($120k) and what they are paid ($20k) and then the schools have the call to pester graduates for donations when they’re paying back $50k+ student loans.