
Listen, if ya’ll can’t understand that insulting my parents is problematic that’s on you. My ‘sensitive’ reaction diminishes it as something like im being irrational. Like I’ve stated before, neither you, nor a bunch of internet folks get to define my experience or my parents for me. Isn’t that pretty clear?

It amazes me that people don’t know how to read. 1) you don’t get to define my experience for me, nor my relationship with my parents. If you want to call yourself an abuse survivor, by all means go for it. Its your experience to tell. However you don’t get to define my experience with my parents as yours. Just like I

What also upsets me about her statements is the tone def approach of putting everyone in jail who has hit their kid. It’s the same tone i hear people like undocumented immigrants as criminals and ‘illegal.’ You can’t paint parents with a broad brush, without understanding family history and cultural context.

Uh, her referring to my parents as child abusers.

God, you’re so fucking dumb. Please never go into social work or work with children who are seriously getting abused, or work with communities of color, or talk to anyone ever.

I’ve also witness way worse abuse than a parent layin a hand on their kid. Abuse that cuts to a kids core like verbally insulting them and cutting them down. Not taking them to see a therapist after three or more suicide attempts. Which I also reported. Parents who never laid a hand on their kid but gave two shits on

Bitch, keep my parents out of your mouth.

See, i’m glad your’e not a case worker. I’m a mandated reporter, and I am obligated by law to report any hitting with objects. having worked in a predominately latin community I had many a ‘chancla’ talk. So many parents i worked with had hit their kid by throwing a sandal or hitting a kid with a belt. My parents did

Same boat. I try to empathize with everyone but . . . no. You hit your kid, and it will take a lot for me to say “Okay, you’ve suffered enough.”

She was also an abused kid continuing the cycle of abuse, who was able to break the cycle despite the intervention not because of it.

If we’re throwing all context out the window, well then removing a child from the only home and parents they’ve ever known is also a crime, called “kidnapping.” But how about we acknowledge the complexities of real life that the woman in fact acknowledges in her story, that all at the same time there exist some

The didn’t have to shoot them (not “him”, as said). The police should have deescalated the situation. Instead, the police got scared by the little knife and put a bullet in Scout.

So you fixed the gender issue without, might I add, noting the change. But you still think people shouldn’t be upset that the cops shot them, just because they were suicidal? So now where ok, with cops shooting the mentally ill?

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

There are a lot of Hispanics that are white/can pass for white* and I have zero expectation of them. Those are the kind that will tell you “if I came here legally, then everyone else should.” Zero sympathy for their own people, and for many, zero understanding that you may think you’re white, but most Americans don’t,

I saw this last night. My new favorite person is the teenage theater employee who showed unrestrained glee at watching everyone leave the theater, asking everyone how much they liked it. I only wish the couple that left halfway through had stayed until _ that _ scene so I could have seen their reaction.

That fits with the mission statement of CinemaScore pretty well I think. The people who see Happy Madison movies opening night are the perfect audience for those movies, so they should get an A. Those movies may be terrible but they play to their audience.

I’m okay with serious violent criminals being unable to continue to pursue the same line of work they used to victimize someone. Or at least for a time period longer than a couple of years. Football gave him access, and he proved himself to be unfit to handle that access when he raped that girl. He shouldn’t be able

I can’t be the ONLY one who thinks this....can I?

Yes you can be.