
Being cheap/poor in college but still wanting to be able to impress girls is when I first started to learn how to cook. I don't remember if it was good at all, but it impressed well enough. The first dish I tried to learn was a pasta dish. Now a days I actually enjoy cooking for others and become half decent I think.

More cars need plaid, or different pattered seats.

I travel with a water bottle anyway. I like that many airports now have these too, an easy way to fill the bottle.

I'm with you, although there is no way I can afford such a watch I get it, it's about craftsmanship and beauty. The apple watch though, no fucking way. Even the "base" at $350 is overpriced, it's a piece of technology that's going to need to be replaced in under 2 years. Between firmware updates and software updates

Fun fact: Napolean was just shy of 5' 7", and the average height for a male back then was 5' 5".

I was in the SF Bay area a few months ago. Driving through SanFran was the absolute worst, the drivers are not aggressive, just completely clueless and incompetent. It was absolutely shocking, people just had no idea what they were doing.

Sadly your a minute late. Although I have seen better penis drawings.

I learned to drive on a 2.3L ranger. 5 speed, and it had a psudo bench seat the in front and 2 booster seats in the rear. If there was a person in the middle they would have to either sit side saddle or straddle the shiftier.

Anytime someone ends a statement with "fact" my first response to then is "Prove it." But since this is the internet and I doubt that will happen I did it for you.

Nope. Minivan is safer.

Not sure if this is the study I was thinking of but it hits the point.

I'm take a look for the source, but I'm pretty sure there was a study done that compared how distracting different things were to a driver. And they found that talking to a passenger in the car was less distracting than talking to someone on a hands free device.

"The Washington Post estimates that some 61,998 such cash seizers have been carried out since September 11th, totaling a staggering value of 2.5 billion, from people who were not charged with a crime."

Looks like the difference in number is because I found US market share, vs global.

42.4% of smartphones. Which is a huge number for a single manufacturer.

I wonder if the Bugatti driver is wishing he stopped at the stop sign instead of past the crosswalk into the intersection?

I don't know how the shark face is not a standard feature.

I should have stipulated this was not a comment on weather its right or wrong to be able to pay a fine for an act like this. But I do think this punishment is a bit lite.

I'm aware that its a very different thing, but to liquidate 3%, probably does not take much effort.

Just a little FYI; According to Google hes net worth is approximately $4.2B. That $100m is about %2.4 of what hes worth.