
Ok, honest question. I'm asking as a degree-holding average millennial.

There's also the problem that the woman is not wearing pants.

So I'm going to troll a little bit. Sorry. Sometimes it's fun.

Not to get too deep into the darkest shit of racism, but I actually think it's also a fantastic extra gesture that they have a white woman sitting on his lap.

Exactly. It's no coincidence that he was able to afford two minutes of Super Bowl ad time immediately following the greatest snow disaster in Georgia history.

And I will avenge my brother's death by...vandalizing his grave site?

If that was a movie trailer I would have already bought my tickets.

Somebody murdered my brother. Now, I'm seeking vengeance the only way I know how: by taking local businesses to task for not salting the stairs out front of their establishments and putting the health and safety of their customers at risk. Have you been hurt in a fall? Fuckin' call me, bra.

For some local insight: This guy's building has 5 playing cards painted on the building. The hand? ROYAL FLUSH, mother fuckers.

Produced By: Kenny Powers
Edited By: Stevie Janowski

What's amazing is how much better this is than many of the commercials that cost millions of dollars to produce (and millions more to air).

So if you have a plan, some ID and the moxie to lie you can get around security and get close to areas where you could do some damage to the public, all without the help of anyone else much less the help of the government.

It's hard to imagine that, for something this important, a guy could just skate by with almost zero scrutiny. That a guy with none of the requisite qualifications could just slip through the screening process, past dozen of checks, and be allowed to wander - befuddledly - into the inner sanctum of power, interacting

In hindsight it was probably a bad idea to put the Broncos defense in charge of security.

He looks like a nice enough guy...let 'em through.

My girlfriend used the same trick to sneak into my house permanently.

80kg is the biggest drug seizure in Japanese history? Goddamn... that would've been last Tuesday over here... and no I'm not proud of that!

So Trayvon Martin didn't have the right to stand HIS ground and defend himself. Wow. And to say that race played no role. This is sick.

Zimmerman is a white latino who benefits from white privilege. He looks white and he has a white name. He has continuously been given the benefit of the doubt since he shot Trayvon and believed over any considerations for a dead kid. Meanwhile, I'm a black latino (hence my name) that looks black and has a latino name,

Translation: We have similar views that Juror B37 has but we're not dumb enough to go on live television and express our beliefs. Instead, we will publicly denounce and reject everything juror b37 has said and encourage the American people not to associate us with her.