
No, because it brings up the question on what the term Hummer actually is assigned to.

My first was a ‘77 Jeep CJ-7. My mother said “Those are dangerous! They roll to easy!” I told her “That’s why they have roll bars! I’m better protected than you are in your Chrysler.”

Ahhh but that’s the beauty of it. Now that you have the engine, when you are bored of the Tahoe, you can start looking for something else to drop it in.

Is because of drivers or pedestrians with their face in their own “hand-held infotainment system”?

But what about the fact that the military used the term Hummer before the civilian version was released?

What does that mean? Nobody called a Humvee a Hummer?

A completely different style. The only thing in common is they both shift the tranny. One is a console shifter and the other a knob that operate very differently. If anything, the shifter in the Jeep GC most resembles an Audi shifter.

Don’t feel bad, when driving my CJ, I wouldn’t wave at wranglers.

That’s funny...it was the same thought I had as well. Couldn’t car less about people paying for phones, but those Rangers....!

I don’t know, sounds like Darwin was right if you ask me.....

Wow now that is paranoia. Well then, nothing to worry about from google. The NSA sats have all their moves tracked down anyway.

That’s my point, how can it know it’s you if you are not logged into google?

Just curious, if you are not “signed-in” to google, what exactly are you giving up?

lol...luckily the audio is not there...”I am so getting a new car from this! Hurry up lava my battery is dying!!!”

Yeah if you own that particular Mustang.

The hard part is proving your vehicle actually was destroyed. “I swear I parked right here but it’s gone now.”

Speaking of noobs.....have you not heard of high heat paint?

What should they do? A heart monitor on the driver’s seat? Your over analyzing it.

Maybe because he kept his hands on the wheel.....It will even lock out the ability if they ignore the warnings and will not reset until it is placed in park first. Bottom line, he cheated the system.

Oh yeah, I just like the idea of forcing him to to look at it every day but not be able to use.