
Whomever didnt see that Mexican fuck ref throwing out yellows is not paying attention. These countries south of the US are the biggest cheats in the game. If the US falls behind I hope they just start stomping knees and destroying careers. Fucking filthy asshole.

He's right and you're a prick.

And have your bitch lady be all bitchy and slappy cunty.

Moron. That cunt deserves a punch in the face

He's getting wrecked hard.

You now that bitch beats her kids.

Agreed, a more forceful slap to her face. She deserves it, she earned it.

Agreed. She needs a punch in her cunt face.

I fucked her.

Punch that cunt piece of shit in the face. Fucking cunt whore cunt. You want to play like a man? Punch to the fucking cunt whore face will change your mind. You fucking cunt piece of cunt.

It's funny, because HS football is so stupid and meaningless.


Don't you mean, 'Absolutely Stupid'? Dumbest thing ever.

Attempted murder? Unless he stomped the cop after he was down, nope. Just shoot next time.

They are also mostly morons that can't count championships. Bear is worm food. Oh and he was a verified racist. Your hero was a scumbag. True.

Ensuring that Chelsea will be on top? Ensuring? No, 'could be' or 'might be'. This is a tough league and shit happens. They will be competing for the title. That's all you can say at this point.

Man I love futbol!

As you know if its not in the agreement, can't be held to it. So kill away I guess.

I disagree. It has nothing to do with 'nickel and diming' employees. It's 100% percent posturing. As the article say's, they want the Players Union to force their hand so they can say 'we were forced to.' The money means nothing.