
I can only speak of the Auburn and GA animal mascot programs, but I would wager that University animal mascots are incredible well taken care of. This is just a case of a bunch of unsupervised idiots. They really should have been held to the fire more. At least they forfeited their license to house these birds.

Nice try.

Why don't these assholes do everyone a favor and kill themselves first, then go on their rampage?

All so stupid. Anyone who thinks burnouts are awesome probably sounds just like the guy in video #1. Morons, the lot of you.

Coincidence. He is simply giving a two fingered answer to his question "Who is sexy, a hell of a footballer and overpaid? This guy." Now fuck off peasants. Except for you pitch crasher. We'll have you killed later.

Now try some class while playing. (I only say that because he is super beautiful and doesn't play for my club so it pisses me off).

People are dumb.

Full disclosure. I didn't read the blog. I didn't care.

How do you know she was hired because she was Asian?

Could we do with a world class striker? Of course, but Suarez?


Andy, you should really work harder. This is garbage.

Ump with little man complex. He's probably an off duty cop.

Nope, just commenting like you dummy.

Not really.

I'm confused. He would have lost anyway, right? The other kid had $66k.

I think he's a little stupid. You know, football player and all. He was yelling nigger instead of fucker. I can't imagine there were really multiple black folks there. He'll, even smart whites stay away. In any event, he's rightly catching he'll for it but it seems a drunken bad choice of words. Oh, and who

Ans: No

Not railroaded. They do not have to accept any deal. They can appeal, argue their case, and prove their innocence. Buy alas, no one will. Because they all cheated by taking PEDs. MLB knows it, the accused knows it, and fans that have a brain know. Cheaters should be shamed and run out of the sport. Good job

No! It's a Mansierre, deal withit.