
My apologies if this joke has been beaten to death, but: I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!!!!

That is insane. Nobody should have to wonder about cleaning up blood at work.

I think I'm laughing more at the WAY you said it, like you had to explicitly clarify what sitting down means/encompasses: sit down does not mean...[fill in the blank]. At least he was doing it quietly? Silver lining?

I bet he did. *rimshot*

I would die. My heart would stop. I'd be dead.

I have to admit, I sort of admire the kid who was nae-naeing in the corner instead of sitting down. I'm sure I would not if I were working with him, but on its surface, it's pretty funny.

The part about "should we clean up the blood" left me jaw-dropped. Both because it happened at your workplace, and because he had to ask. What was he planning on doing, leaving it there? (Cause that's how you get ants.)

She's not mentally ill, she's a drunk redneck woman who's had those insults locked and loaded for the first opportunity she got to scream them at someone. She's lucky I wasn't the one filming. I hope the same thing that happened to that Dunkin Donuts trashpile girl happens to her -doxxed and shunned. She deserves

I see you've met my mother and my sister.

Her wardrobe is romper-heavy. Which also make me want to stab myself.

Your dad is amazing. No snark. He sounds awesome. My dad has also bought pads (also has 2 daughters), but he's never gone near a bra as far as I know. He is the best at ironing in our family, though.


I've been wondering this myself. HOW does this idiot talk about Eugenics and white superiority when he's of Italian descent? White supremacists think guys like him are black, or at the very least "mongrel raced".

Wow! Who knew? I am being dead serious, no sarcasm. Nobody has ever talked about these women, they seem to have been ignored from all the news reports/history books about the space program.

A million, zillion high fives for you. Also: Anthony Cumia is a waste of oxygen and carbon. The hell with him AND his hate speech.

I gagged a bit when I read this comment. Then I laughed.

I made my boyfriend come upstairs and sit next to me (he was downstairs) after I read that one bc I was too scared to be alone. I am usually not a wuss, but that story freaked me the hell out.

I am dying. DYING.

OMG, You, sir, are the best.

I have no words except... : O!? That is so gross.