
It's not malpractice, it's battery. Malpractice is where a medical procedure is negligently performed. There is nothing in the story that indicates that the procedures were not performed correctly, there simply was no consent for the procedures at all. Performing a medical procedure on someone without consent is

An RN commenting on the original article pointed out that the doctors should lose their licenses, that performing a medical procedure against the will of the patient is illegal, regardless of pressure from law enforcement.

I... kind of like this? In a weird way....


It's Jezza's shtick ... The "character" he plays. Morgan is a douchebag in real life.

To people commenting on the article headline:

This is more of an aggressive commute than a race.

Drunk dude crossing the street in the middle of the block at night, gets hit by a car, and the cops give him the ticket?

The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty were done by a woman.

In fairness, if it wasn't for a single mother playing Zelda and Mighty Bomb Jack with her only son, I wouldn't be the nerd I am today. So, yes, my single mother was the real hero. My greatest hero ever, in fact.

They are worried that if Tesla is allowed direct to consumer sales, a legal precedent will exist to let EVERY automaker bypass dealerships and make money all for themselves with no middle man to deal with.

See, concept cars always have these really cool futuristic interiors that look absolutely awesome! Then we never see said designs in the real world. This car looks like it would be a blast to drive this setup!

This is one of my major pet peeves. Related, and just as infuriating: people who sit at yields when it takes them into their own damn lane instead of having to merge directly into traffic and wait for a gap. Seriously?!

Now playing

Screw their traction control, let's geek out over their LACK OF CAMSHAFTS in the near future.

Well said. My favorite timid driver to hate is drivers who stop at a yeild sign on an on ramp rather than look for a gap and merge into traffic. Not only do they bring the flow of traffic to a grinding halt, they often get rearended by drivers behind. These folks behind them are looking to their left and rear to

The timid driver who comes up to a highway merge with a yield sign and STOPS FREAKING DEAD is at the top of drivers I hate the most, even worse than left lane rangers. Congratulations, you're now stopped trying to merge into 60 mph traffic. Good job, give yourself a hand. Now you have to somehow accelerate to 60

There's no "mainstream science" or "alternative science". There's just science. If you can prove it via the scientific method and your results are reproducible, it's science. If not, it's woo. The site you linked to is not scientific.

Dear Ford Racing,

That's good, because if she really doesn't trust you, that's a big problem that shouldn't be ignored by dismissively trying to prevent an argument.