Idk about you but the loud things like horns and sirens I can hear even with class 5 earplugs in.
Idk about you but the loud things like horns and sirens I can hear even with class 5 earplugs in.
Just working with the established format of CAPS, the word fucking, and being passive aggressive. If people can’t keep a mental map of the vehicles around them and maintain situational awareness without audio cues they weren’t taught properly. As someone who regularly has to essentially take responsibility for other…
Most states have no such law. Some only prohibit bus drivers, and other allow for phone and navigational use, and/or the use of just one side.
As someone who regularly wears fucking EARPLUGS to keep out the 90dB wind noise in a motorcycle helmet. If you need audio ques, you are already not paying enough attention to driving. sooooo.... ACTUALLY PAY FUCKING ATTENTION WHILE DRIVING
1st gear: Bullshit. If you are compairing an increase all you would need is the per miles driven/number of crashes both before and after the law took effect. They are using other states as "controls" to sell a narrative
I applied for a job at Koenigsegg once, and got the most polite "don't call us we'll call you" email back. I still occasionally stare longingly at their job postings
Annnnd where is 60GHz??
Also a hyper-sonic bullet doesn’t shoot “flat,” it just gets more horizontal distance per unit of vertical distance lost lol.
10x better solution at 1/5 the price
3rd gear was giving him a hard time though.
They aren’t technically unlimited. There is a Limit. It’s not even a soft limit. The soft limit would be running at absolutely full bandwidth for the total duration of the month, that is by definition an Unlimited plan. Throttling the bandwidth is an imposed limit, and it fairly easily shown not to be “unlimited” to…
False advertising is still illegal. No one has paid some lawyers enough to make the point.
I’m pretty sure that studies have shown that cats know when their owner is addressing them but tend not to care. One of my cats comes when called. The other one is occasionally talkative and will answer when called but not come. It varies widely from cat to cat and can really depend on how the cat was raised.
So when are Verizon and ATT going to get sued into the ground for advertising Unlimited plans that are OBVIOUSLY not unlimited?
Last time I drove a Mustang GT it started in 3rd gear with so little fuss that I didn’t notice the mistake until I shifted 2nd and the revs went up instead of down. That V8 will spin so slow without care it’s surprising.
Uhm no, dumping the clutch does NOT break the clutch. One of 4 things might happen some of them worse than others
Co-op made Halo what it is. Me and a buddy smashed through Co-op on all four previous games only to put Halo 5 in and find out we couldn't continue. It was a HUGE mistake not to have it.
If the laptop uses a mini wifi card you can replace it with a new one that will use 5Ghz. Check online for a teardown of the laptop and if anyone has already done it.
Low end enterprise solution. Multiple Dedicated Wireless Access points. Most of them have the ability to run in a mesh mode if you can’t get an ethernet cable to them but it is the easiest way to cover a large area, and if you can get that ethernet cable to them then it will be a better experience than any mesh…
The Ubiquiti USG for routing is as easy as their AP’s to set up. I’m using the EdgeMax Lite for routing with a Ubiquiti AP for wifi and I had the same experience with the EdgeMax, not hard, but not easy either. I set my buddy up with the USG, Switch, and AP in under 20 min though so the trick is to find the plug and…