We could have ALL the neat and Tidy nonsense that comes with FWD AND have RWD if they would just put the damn engines in the back. I’m still upset that they didn’t do that for the “New” New Beetle.
We could have ALL the neat and Tidy nonsense that comes with FWD AND have RWD if they would just put the damn engines in the back. I’m still upset that they didn’t do that for the “New” New Beetle.
Koenigsegg CCX. The Agera is a close second.
it tends to be happenstance that the engineer selected a very long highway gear and the consequence is that the car tops out in the second to last gear rather than top gear. As it stands all of the vehicles I’ve owned since achieve their top speed in their highest gear and not the one before.
Also Don’t forget the 3.1 V6 in these things would start leaking coolant into the oil through the Lower intake manifold gasket at about 60k and destroy your Oil pump by 80k. Ask me how I know.
You don’t program for gearing lol
1998 silver olds Cutlass was my first car. Handled like a boat, Loved to cruise at 85mph on the interstate. 4 speed auto with gears so long that Third was good for 103, it would shift to fourth and the governor would immediately kick in at 105. Thing actually had good grip, it would probably roll before is slid.
The sad thing? Due to the time, effort, and energy required to get it BTC has more inherent value than USD. The cash we use everyday isn’t backed up by anything other than peoples imaginations.
Wife Dailys a 98 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, I daily an 02 S2000. Both of them have seen 6+ hour road trips, the S2000 has been to AutoX and the Jeep has seen dirt and snow. Are they practical for the daily slog? No. Do they make it more interesting most of the the time? Absolutely. Also with the Metal Tow bar hanging off…
Wasn’t the point here SPECIFICALLY for people not to buy this Micro-transaction Laden pile of corporate nonsense specifically so they wouldn’t do it again?
Rocker arms. That is all.
Did you forget about Drift cars? Formula Derp cars often have 1000+ hp. And there used to be a time that Formula 1 cars and Indy cars had 1000+ hp. The high cost associated with HP is the problem.
SR20's are massively over rated and sound like trash. The I4 engine configuration only Really sounds good above 6k. The 4age black top, F20C are much better examples of I4's
You forgot about Bore and stroke. Over-square motors rev, under-square motors do not. And I am of the personal belief that we do not have enough cars the rev to 9 or 10k which generally requires cylinders to be small. Granted the F20C happens to follow your formula.
I think I’d rather get an EV motorcyle than this thing.
S2000 owner here. >What upkeep< Tires and Oil dude, that’s it. [Front LCA bushings if we’re nit picking but mine has 136k not 36]. And having driven a SC FRS, it’s faster but doesn’t “feel” newer and I would say the Porsche is similar just because of how premium they feel by comparison. Though I Vote NP because it’s a…
You’ve clearly never tried to get into the back of a two door JK. Because after that ordeal you would think them malicious.
Requisite “Real Jeeps Don’t have four doors” [My Wife owns a 98 Sahara] and honestly the only real reason I still tell this to people is they didn’t put the awesome double cantilever system [from the TJ] on the JK Two door’s front seats making it MUCH harder to get in the back of a JK. [Her dad has a JK Rubicon] The…
They had one j0b, Put the motor IN the Jeep. Instead the but the Jeep ON the truck, wtf.
It has nothing to do with the wildly different speeds people drive because the speed limit is set artificially low or anything
I think this has more to do with the person literally having ZERO visibility of the exit lane and just assumes there was room. They were WAY to close to the truck ahead.