
Nicorette w a huge caveat: That shit is addictive as fuck and not as benign as you might think. I went on/off with cigs, dip, nico for years — often combining. I could abstain from cigs and dip and only chew nico, but it definitely increases your addiction/dependence on nicotine. Can make your breath smell bad

Use the Nicoderm patch and/or nicorette gum. It removes the serious cravings and makes quitting much much easier.

Gum, seeds and trying to avoid places where you always dipped. Which, I will admit, is nearly impossible if you were like me - dip after a meal, dip watching tv, dip playing video games, dip in the car. There’s also different non-tobacco chew products that help, like Baccoff.

Sunflower seeds. Coffee beans.

The way I went about it was, first and foremost, get that wretched stuff out of your mouth ASAP. I actually switched over to Nicorette gum, which took care of the Nicotine and oral fixation. Rotate in some regular gum, ween down on the milligrams and chew some sunflower seeds. Thats what I did. But honestly, it comes

There have actually been studies suggesting that a decrease in smoking rates can — paradoxically — increase medical costs, because people live longer.

[Wonders what happened to this country.]

to be fair it’s not like the cubs’ current routines have won them any world series championships, so it’s not like messing with those is some great hindrance

And don’t even pretend kids aping ballplayers isn’t a real thing

don’t forget this expanded option on the new law!!!

Chewing tobacco is the only tradition for the Cubs older than losing.

Let John Lackey have his death by snus snus.

A clear win for the powerful Sunflower Seed Lobby.

“All with the same end in mind: if you make it difficult or expensive enough to consume tobacco, hopefully less people will use it, bringing health care costs down for everyone.”

And, you know, AT WORK. Can I dip while I’m at work? Hell no.

The bat boy in the photo is going to be piiisssssed

Same could be said with cheeseburgers, ice cream, and beer. Get it out of the ball parks!!

“We’re grown men,” John Lackey said. “People in the stands can have a beer, but we can’t do what we want? That’s a little messed up.”

Dip is pretty gross.