
Katie Nolan is to Fox Sports 1 what Olivia Munn was to G4.

They killed Santa, Lionel.

So close. Shoulda gone with work comp. 4/10 singapore canes

Katie Nolan’s thinking, “Why is this couch so small and why won’t he watch the clips and not my lips!”

ECDUB! ECDUB! ECDUB!....at least he gave the moonsauht guy props..it was very well done.

Samer, thank you for continuing to give us these epic nuggets of Bill fandom. It’s a long way until September. Drunken table slamming withdrawls or sure to set in.

“Good God, that’s the unemployment fraud investigator’s music!”

That moonsault really was top-notch

You are 100% correct. Utterly baffling. The whole Colts thing was weird, but this? This is the weirdest coach firing since Schottenheimer got canned for going 14-2 in San Diego years ago. Lovie might not have had a great two years, but as the article noted his work with Winston was pretty good. Another year and they

I give you Chacho’s Monster Kong Nachos.

I feel so bad for reading a lawsuit about age discrimination and having my only thought be “This woman is like 7 different fantasies of mine”. Am I going to hell?

This is repugnant. She’s too hot to be discriminated against.

Ya, old bitch! Deal wit it!

She’s got the latino milf lover market cornered aka all hetero-sexual men. These execs suck.

This is similar to what happened to Pam Oliver is it not?

Man...and Dominguez is MILFY as fuck. I’d hate to see what they do to ugly older women...

“It’s not that she’s old, I just don’t want to stab her.”

Dominguez was also told by a supervisor that “we [FOX] don’t handle veteran female reporters very well.”

They stated that the updates would be free but they never used the term “DLC” with the word free EXCEPT when they talked about the pc release