
If they are smart just drop it in the late spring early summer get away from all the big name titles and give them another 6 months to polish way better idea and more people will buy during the summer time slump.

I wonder if some of this ahs to do with it being pre order dlc. I did the harley quinn dlc before I played the game. If I had gotten this dlc and it had ruined the endign for the game for me in a 30 minute dlc. I would have been pissed. I wonder if that is why it was so vague.

Why did they take the lines out from the comic con trailer about nega sonic teenage warhead. I loved those!

Ah crap!

Please tell me it will be on the CW?!


I really really liked and I watched it sober. Then again I just wanted to some good light fairy tail fluff.

So excuse me for knowing this but when I watched it last night they had this whole secrets behind descendents thing during the commercial. They said they spent 2,000 hour creating that dragon and I was like “What the Fuck!” Really!

I actually watched the replay of this last night sober. I actually really really enjoyed it but you kind of have to go in knowing that this is Disney channel and none of this is made for our demographic. But It was fun and I really enjoyed it.

I wanna play it but only wanna pay like 30$ it looks fun but I figure there is no real story it’s more a godzilla beat em up simulator!

Is it worth gettign are wait for a sale?

Nice, I may try that!

Can I play this if I have not played any of the other god of war games?

Thank you tuesday, he just kept blending in to everything else so the red suit and the red trim on the car makes it way easier to distinguish from everything else.

That how I played it but I used the red batman skin from Justice league 3000 it just made it way easier to notice him instead of him blinding into all the black.

Yeah, to be honest I should have waited for that and not be such an idiot and rushed into it but I love the game and needed pratic so I didnt’ get my ass handed to me at Player 1 Video game bar. At least now I am pretty competent at it.

Yeah I skiped the season pass, but might want the fighters when I get back into the game in the month. Kind of hoping they may go on sale in a month are two.

I need to go back and Finish Mortal Kombat X. How much is it for the Preadtor? What about Jason? Also do you get the Carl Weathers skin for Jax Free when you buy the predator?