I played 3 like half way through and new Vegas maybe 1/4 the way through just never finished them.
I played 3 like half way through and new Vegas maybe 1/4 the way through just never finished them.
Awesome, thank you very much. I am looking forward to picking up fallout 4.
Crazy question, do you think you will be able to jump into Fallout 4 without being completely lost?
What do we think this will be just a teaser and the big announcement at e3?
I have a theory they are doing this to keep the doors open long term. Especially if in the future games go to more of a digital download model they need a back up plan. Making gamestop a one stop shop for all things geek would do that. To be honest I am super surprised they have not started carrying comics yet. But I…
So what do you think of his fantasy potential this year?
Can you get ultimate street fighter 4 on the ps4 on a disk are is it download only? Also how much?
So I need Witcher 3 help. I finally left the starting area and now in the second part of the map working for the Baron. Where the hell do a find a guy to repair my sword? Would I just be better off going back to the first part of the map, let the guy fix it there and go back to where I am now. Just seems like it would…
When is the game available, how much, and can you get it on a disk?
Have they put this on the ps4 yet?
I have a dumb question, We are having a big party this Saturday and brunch for the Ufc fight and Lightning game. Do you have any recommendation for a moderate priced ipa that is good? Something I could by a case are 12 pack of and not drop 50 bucs?
O.k. cool I am getting it either way but that is refreshing to hear.
I loved that game, Bought if for my 8th birthday having never played it which is a huge gamble for a kid and never regretted it. Plus you could play as Hawk Eye!
Will I be o.k. to play this having not played withcer 1 are 2?
I had a question if they are releasing it on Steam how hard would it be to port it to ps4 and put on there market place?
My bad. I just went and double checked. They make it look like it’s on a disc with box art and everything but it’s digital download. I will pass on the game till it goes on sale then.
No angry Best Buy and Gamestop have a disc option. I saw it on there website and I live in Florida.
I don’t brother sorry I got it for the ps4, but thank you.
To be honest I would rather pay the $20 and get in on a disc.
Yeah the skins don’t matter much to me, so I can save the 15 bucs.