I have a question I really wanna buy this new Dragon Age how lost do you think I will be? Will it be worth it are just wait for a price drop?
I have a question I really wanna buy this new Dragon Age how lost do you think I will be? Will it be worth it are just wait for a price drop?
can anybody point me to any websites that give call of duty mulitplayer load outs?
O.k. so silly question but does anyone think we will at least hear something about a new fall out game on next gen systems at e3 this year?
Any chance the alpha will work tonight are this weekend?
So what's the yellow orange light mean?
That happend to me too glad I wasn't the only one!
If you get a chance check out our episode about super smash brothers!
O.K. cool thank you. I think that is exactly what I am gonna do!
I normally am not a fan of these type of survival horror games, especially when I can't shoot. I am going to buy this because I love Alien, and want more Alien games. Would your recommendation be to play this on easy so at least I don't get completely frustrated with it?
#truth dave #truth
Do we have a release date for this yet?
oh o.k.
you only got .17 cents for those two figures?
Thank you!
Sleeping I think it's a mixture of both. I am 32 now and don't game as much as a should because of t.v. and sports and going out. There are a lot of things I just put as a higher propriety now than gaming. Also I am luck because I am not married and I don't have kids, that happens and gamming goes out the window…
Can anyone explain to me how the Madden ultimate team mode works?
Why does the pizza keep going on the plastic cutting board and not the box? Also I have yet to see him clean it and it is kind of freaking me out sense this is my go too chain pizza restaurant.
ah o.k. thank you.
For what systems?
So I am buying Diablo 3 after work and it will be my first Diablo. Any tips are hints?