
Could someone please explain kickstarter to me. Like say I donate 10 are 20 bucks to get this movie made what do I get in return.

See that is what I am thinking just getting rid of the games I don't care about playing again are finishing. Like Dues Ex. I really need to finish it because I am like half way through but then I am trading that sucker in. Same for the Uncharted's they are O.K. games and I like them but I am never going to play them

I think your right on target. It was a little after 27 when my metabolizem went to straight hell and I had to start to actually diet and go to the gym to stay in shape. God I miss those days.

After reading what I just wrote it sounds a lot worse and said than what I meant for it too. But it is funny what you said. I have only been thirty for like a month and all my friends said they have seen the change and like it. The way they have best described it to me is that they say I am more fun and more laid back

See you bring up a good point. I don't want to give away any of my cod's because I have all the dlc and figure I wont get jack for them. But say maybe once I finish the uncharted games are say some other single player game I should probably go ahead and trad it in. Like Duke nukem forever and some other stuff I have I

I may be out of line on this but as a man who just turned thirty and is single I feel this every day. Like I am not as good are attractive as I once was even thought I diet and got to the gym more now than I did in my twenties. I don't think this is a feeling felt by just women but maybe every one. I guess in the end

So here is my question, Should I trade my games in? I hate Trading games in because I never really feel like I get what they are worth out of the deal. I am not one of those crazy people who think I need to get a ton out of a game in trade but if it's new like say max payen 3 I wanna get like 17-20 dollars for it are

In my opinion it's a waste unless your looking for older games to play. I had it for a year and a half and had three games out at a time and it was like 30 some odd dollars a month. I live in the outside Orlando area and the shipping center is in Tampa so turn around time was good. About three days but I swear in my q

I don't know how I feel about that whole 20 episode season. I love this show and it's my favorite on t.v. right now but getting ten episodes now, then having to wait till April for ten more that is going to be BRUTAL!

preach brother preach

Well once sci fi channel change to syfy they where given a directive by the upper management to be genre light. So they are doing the best they can with the handcuffs they have on them. I hope defiance does well because if it does they might drop the whole genre light thing and be able to pull of some hard sci fi like

I love syfy so don't get me wrong I love all of it. Well except for the bad reality shows but I figure hey some people like them, there cheap to make, make ad revenue which helps support the shows I do like, like warehouse 13, Alphas, and Lost Girl so it's like the facts of life. You take the good you take the bad and

Really that two hours of wrestling on a Friday night is least of syfy's problems and it's paying the bills for the other shows.

Really that two hours of wrestling on a Friday night is least of syfy's problems and it's paying the bills for the other shows.

O.k. I will give you the bad reality series because yes they are bad. But there Original series are pretty great and devoted to wrestling is pretty far fetched. Wrestling is on for two hours on a Friday night. That a. isn't very long and B. is on a night most people aren't at home watching t.v. anyway. So come on.

O.k. I will give you the bad reality series because yes they are bad. But there Original series are pretty great and devoted to wrestling is pretty far fetched. Wrestling is on for two hours on a Friday night. That a. isn't very long and B. is on a night most people aren't at home watching t.v. anyway. So come on.

Why couldn't the real sci fi channel have done this instead of going to syfy. That commercial is for a channel I would watch the hell out of unlike syfy which only gets me two nights a week Monday and Friday.

Does anyone one know the premier date of doctor who here in the states on BBC America?

Pleas do add the addendum-type comment. Fans of the show deserve it and people who are reading this article are fans and we would love it. Such a sad bitter sweet goodbye.

Keep up the good work. I love to see your stuff here, it's awesome sauce! Hope to see more from you here again soon!