We get dexter back in September. I am so PUMPED!
We get dexter back in September. I am so PUMPED!
I wanna say he is signed on for two more seasons and those will be the last two. Your right thought last season was garbage. It was the first time ever that i didn't watch the season on Sunday when it aired because watching it started to feel like a chore. i think they know they dropped the ball last season and will…
Don't recommend what? That fireplace story is pretty epic thought would have to hear the rest of it.
Well I hope your catching life on the upswing my brother. Have a great day and hope all is going well at second city.
Yeah I am watting for a price drop. Maybe when it gets down to like twenty are thirty bucks I will pick it up. Hasn't been super high up on my list yet. It does look awesome thought.
awesome thanks a lot.
Delete it. Trust me I am saving you hours of your life.
May I say as a small suggestion give warehouse 13 another chance. The first few episodes are touch and go because they are still trying to find there feet and there voice. It gets a lot lot better and right now that is my favorite t.v. show besides eureka so trust me it gets way WAY better.
Just fyi. Someone else has played that game seance you got the guts. I can guarantee you that man. Also on a side not how you doing. You where having a couple of off days the last time we had a chance chat. I hope your doing a lot better and god bless.
I have really REALLY wanted to pick this up. Question thought how much was it and does it come in paper back.
Oh sorry didn't see you didn't drink. Well god bless and good luck with the pain killers my friend hope they help.
Throw a beer are two on top of pain killers and trust me you will feel right as rain and wont care about anything. Just don't leave the house. Trust me on the last one.
I think you hit the nail on the head. They are going to have to over haul there online service but they got to keep it free that's a big selling point. Also I don't think it matters who's system comes out first I personally believe it's going to be who has the cheapest system that will win. I think that's why…
Just checked for you brother. Dexter is on netflix but just on the discs not instant q. I would love to get my girlfriend into that show as well it's such a damn good show. I also need to get through my back log of games. I got assassins creed one and need to try to blast through that maybe this weekend if possible.
I hate these videos. There has been a rash of them lately. I always feel like its the parents trying to get you tube famous. Plus of course it always has to come from my state of Florida.
Oh my god. Eureka is AMAZING! I would also recommend Warehouse 13, great great show, Supernatural, another amazing show, and the American Being Human isn't bad either. All of those shows are on Netflix instant q.
My advice get some pain killers from your doctor are dentist and if that doesn't work start drinking HEAVILY.
Also now that everything is in repeats I use my summer to catch on shows I missed are never saw before on Netflix. I am currently doing Babylon 5 and am loving it. I am in the begging of the first season. Can't wait till the next disc arrives. So you at home you catching up on any t.v. are games over the summer? If so…
Good morning tay. So what's the good word on Lollipop chainsaw.
Your right that story in and of it self has enough drama without the added villain. Don't think you will need it, but I got a bad feeling that this movie will be a lot like titanic where I keep thinking "Come on bring on the water!"