
I just really hate these massive reboots. It's like all the time and money I gave them is for nothing. I might wait until the Graphic Novels come out for some of this new stuff and pick up the batman and super man and go from there. I just am really scared about what they have done and how much everything has changed.

That's kinda what I was thinking. If this had happened in the nineties are maybe early 2000 this would be a big deal but now I just kinda figured the people who give a shit are the ones you don't want indorsing your product anyway.

Well hopefully in five years someone will let me know so I can go back to reading dc comics until then then I guess it's Marvel all the way for me.

A prison armory would not have silencers. If that's where they say it came from I am going to be super pissed.

When is the original dc character coming back or are they dead forever. I wont support the new 52 and wont support dc till they bring them back so is there any hope for me are is dc just dead to me forever.

Also just to add there better be a damn good reason on how he found and got it. Those aren't easy to come by.

Exactly which surprises me that no one thought of that till now. Also I think we might be jumping to conclusions about him using that gun on a zombie. Maybe he using it to kill a person and is trying to be silent and that why he using it.

Bingo. I think not mentioning him is a tarnish to heath ledger. Not the way Nolan is rationalizing it.

I am super pumped about it. It looks really good so far and the cast for the show is straight up amazeballs.

Its a silencer for the gun.

are blow

Thank you so much for this. I was thinking of this the other day and have had the shittiest morning ever and this has been the only thing to put a smile on my face. Thank you.

Guy is not a terrible actor. Plus dollars to doughnuts he will be in a lot of make up any way. Plus he is great at physical stuff so he can do all his own stunts.

Am I the only one who thinks this might actually turn out really good? I am kinda looking forward to this.

I did a research study for a company once. When it was over and everyone else was leaving a guy in a suit came in and say they wanted to come talk to me personally. I said o.k. and then they took me into the room attached to the room we where sitting in. The giant mirror on the wall in the room we where in was one of

I don't know but the more Claudia the better in my book. Just can't wait for it to come back to bad we got to wait till the end of july.

No it is claudia and yes she has an arm tattoo. Think she may be pulling a palin and is going rouge.

exactly and it give you plenty of time to get the money together. I am so on top of this.

It comes out tommorow? I haven't seen one preview for it. That's weird.

awesome then xbox 360 it is. gonna pre order mine tonight.