I have a question! What is the all time best games to play during the holidays? I'm talking about PURE holiday spirit games, the ones that fit perfectly between food induced comas and eating some more.
I have a question! What is the all time best games to play during the holidays? I'm talking about PURE holiday spirit games, the ones that fit perfectly between food induced comas and eating some more.
Please comment on another blog than this one
I have this love/hate relationship to tasers. On one hand It's given police a non lethal way out of many dangerous situations. But the situation might not always warrant it's use. Many times it seems that officers are a bit too fast on the trigger, making them seem almost lazy. - The tasing being the easy way out
Man I loved those books back in the day.
So, you are here to complain that Kotaku quotes people from the gaming industry AND supplies links to said quotes? I don't get what your issue is
As game paraphernalia go, the move is without a doubt the one I had the least fun with.. not because it's bad..there's just nothing to do with it...
David Eddings the old fantasy author actually had an entire section dedicated to female armor in one of the Belgariad books...If I remember correctly the armorer tried to explain (in a more eloquent way than me) to Garions wife that boobs in a chest plate will direct everything towards the heart..
Strange hair helmets makes Ducce a dull boy..
Well, if something gets delivered on time every time and on a recurring cycle for years and years. Maybe people just stop asking for it? We all know it's gonna come out anyway.
0:58 Unless the minigun there shoots magic rays instead of bullets shouldn't the bar and it's bottles be all shot straight to hell?
I suspect this will be a huge flop...
it takes the lotion and rubs it on its skin...
You change your mind often
Yay & Awesome! As long as they give those poor workers some new shoes that is...
All I know is: If I had testicles like that, I would go and have a doctor check them out...
Sad if true... A game that actually made upgrading weapons cool. Well it had alot of other nice stuff as well
What's with the abbreviation of Mountain? It ain't that hard to spell or read is it?
Dunno, doesn't feel very Ninja-like.. with all the daylight, chopping and running.
Don't sweat it, he used that argument and insult with me as well - which means that if you and I teamed up we could be the "Igno-Team" - which is kinda cool I guess.