I'n not falling for that trap again! Last time I commented the death penalty on Kotaku I got bombarded by some pretty insane comments.
I'n not falling for that trap again! Last time I commented the death penalty on Kotaku I got bombarded by some pretty insane comments.
Seems like Namco needs a visit from Karl Pilkingtons superhero - Bullshit Man
Yes of course I have, one just needs to adapt to the situations... I could easily win over a artillery army with a balanced cavalry/infantry army.
Empire was awesome and Napoleon even more so. And hell yeah cannons were overpowered..that is why they were used in wars for real, instead of bows.
Just about to comment on that :) Hazardous haze from the crevasses of 12000 people
A thing struck me that I needed to ventilate:
Had a accent moment in Battlefield 3 actually.
I don't get it.. The character is from a virtual place yes? But whether we like it or not, Australian accent is still a real accent, thus open for interpretations from the audience.
Sad Smiley? It made me wanna play Prisoner of Ice :)
Just add some Deep Ones, a Hellhound or two, some Elder signs on the walls and you've got yourself an excellent Chtulhu mythos game!
Some Dave Brubeck when the days go dark and winter is just around the corner? I can´t think of anything better today..
Just waiting for the first employee X-ray machine then.. the ones they use in dutch owned diamond mines in Africa.
Damn it all!
And I apologize because that reply was for martinthew and not for you, damnit
I started a comment about viral videos, IP:s, how to claim sources on internet and general butthurtedness, then I read your comment once more, then I thought about what good it would do, then I deleted it....
Those LCD displays by the road sure can take a beating, i dropped my phone from my desk yesterday and broke the display...I thought to myself: In the future, they better start making displays that CAN take a beating, and presto...
Am I the only one that do not really want to fight the dragons at all? There was this moment I had in the game in the southern forests when a dragon circulated above me but didn't attack. Just swooping around screeching that long almost sad sound... It was absolutely beautiful...
The best story this week! Kudos