
Shouldn't the vertebrae be separated by some stretchy mechanism? Certainly cake doesn't grow more spine when stretching?

The little girl is clearly unhappy at the prospect of a road trip right at the beginning of the comic. So she wants Optimus to save her from the boredom, both figuratively and literally.

Well damn, I gotta say, this is probably the most responses I have ever had to a comment I made on Kotaku. It's a little disappointing that it had to be to a comment inspired mainly by lack of proper morning caffination and a general bad mood... but I digress...

Pull out couches specifically

Nintendo Directs are brilliant. Just little surprises that Nintendo throws out there every once in a while. Just out of nowhere "Hey guys we got something cool to show you tonight/tomorrow!" and then my day gets a little better as I'm hyped up for whatever might be announced. Its much more fun than just announcing

Isn't this a possibility when wrestling other boys too?

I am all for athletic inclusivity until it's used as an excuse to avoid having to provide a female athletic program. You can just imagine the people who would jump on that bandwagon. "We'll let the girls try out for the boys' teams and the ones who can make the cut can play. The hell with all the rest of them."