
Do you know if this is being rolled out rather than being made available to all at once? When I go to the site and try to sign in, it goes through the Twitter authorization part, but returns me right back to the same sign in page. I can't see anything but the login splash page. If others can access it, maybe it's a

"Requires Android 4.0.3 and up" — anyone who still has an older phone, like me, is out of luck on this one.

Has something changed with NewsBlur? When I tried it just now, it said that I could only follow 12 feeds (not 64). Because of this and the fact that Feedly wants to use an add-on, I'm leaning towards NetVibes right now.

Sounds nice, and I might give it a try. But I already use Busy Me (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fernandodunn.android.busyme.lite) to silence my phone according to my Google Calendar and Profile Scheduler (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wetpalm.ProfileScheduler) to handle things

For those suggesting you pay cash and/or saying you don't want to pay cash to avoid the fee, notice that debit cards are not affected by this. Since there's no such fee for debit cards, you can use them instead of cash. That's probably what I'll do if I start seeing credit card fees popping up now.

Nice idea, but I think timers work well enough for me. If the app works by measuring body movements, that means your phone needs to be on your bed with you? I don't want to do that. Also, it might not be very effective if you're a rather still sleeper — it might think you're asleep from lack of motion when you're

If anyone is looking to make something more like a personal calling card than a formal business card, this article from the Art of Manliness might be of interest: http://artofmanliness.com/2008/09/07/the-gentlemans-guide-to-the-calling-card/. It includes tips on design after going through the history and why they

Thanks, but StreamToMe isn't available on Android (yet anyway), ZumoCast isn't compatible with my current Android phone, and Plex costs $5 for the Android app. So unfortunately, none of these options will work for me as well as AudioGalaxy's free streaming service did.

I would have put AudioGalaxy in this list, except they were recently bought by Dropbox and, as I recall, are stopping their streaming service. This was disappointing, because AudioGalaxy let me easily access any music from any folders on my computer without having to upload them to a cloud service or something first.

How the tea is contained probably doesn't matter, but the size of the leaves does Big, full, loose leaves generally need more time to steep than the tiny little pieces that tea bags contain.

From my experience with tea, the temperatures here seem to be about right, but the steeping times are probably only good for tea bags. They have much smaller pieces of tea leaves in them, so they steep more quickly than loose teas. If you're using loose, full tea leaves, you'll probably need around 3 minutes for

VOTE: NameCheap

The most important thing to me is that the text message be understandable. As long as we can understand each other, I don't worry too much about the details. That said, I do try to use proper grammar and punctuation in my messages all the time, and would prefer that others do so as well. I find it easier to read

The most important thing to me is that the text message be understandable. As long as we can understand each other, I don't worry too much about the details. That said, I do try to use proper grammar and punctuation in my messages all the time, and would prefer that others do so as well. I find it easier to read

I decided to try BrandYourself a while ago to see if it could help and how much. It hasn't done much for me. I think its effectiveness depends a lot on the name you're trying to improve. My name is common enough that all of Google's top results for it are other, more famous people. Asking BrandYourself to try to

I don't have ICS, and my phone (an original Galaxy S, the Epic to be specific) is not supposed to get upgraded. I'm still running Gingerbread. My phone is rooted, but I don't know if I'll be looking for an ICS custom ROM. Around the fall, I'll be eligible for a phone upgrade, and might prefer to stick it out with

If I'm not mistaken, having a .edu address did the same thing, doubled the amount of space you got on each referral. I'm guessing this does not double the .edu deal to 1GB per referral, right? It's just that all users, whether they have a .edu account or not, can get 500MB per referral now, correct? It would be

Thanks. The registry cleaner seems to be similar to that in other programs I've used, and it doesn't seem to require much set up. Scan, select what you want fixed, and do it. Most of the non-browser applications seem the same way — you select it if you want it cleaned, don't if you don't. I don't suppose much can

I just gave this a try and it worked fine. Mixing up single servings like this is more convenient than making a whole cake, partly because it limits how much you eat, but also because you don't have to worry about storing and finishing left-overs. Thanks for the tip!

Regarding bright phone screens at night, I use Screen Filter on my Android phone. This app provides a quick way to reduce the brightness of your device to a customizable level below that of the normal brightness control. I keep my phone's brightness very low normally, and even that's too bright in a very dark room.