Redneck Rampage was aliens.
Redneck Rampage was aliens.
Remember Redneck Rampage? :)
still no idea how to install these add ons..
Is it strange that Lifehacker has two articles with semi-confusing article names...… &…
If you don't mind obnoxiously looking gas station key chain.. myself I'd like as little extras since I put them in my pocket. :)
Also, Disney and Robin Williams had a dubious relationship..…
You of course have privacy in your own home, just don't take pictures of it and upload them to the cloud...
can a brother get a mirror here.. :D
Towels = free.
nevermind :D
Most people don't make over 60k, so.. the majority of people are in for a rough time bud.
Which is better running 2 miles a day 5x a week, or 3 miles a day 3x a week? Does it matter indoors or out? Is simple push ups, pull ups ok to use with running for simple fitness?
Yes, they paid for food. They are entitled to it.
Yeah, you got nothing to worry about. I changed careers in my early 30's and got my BFA in Computer Animation and thats where I started messing a bit with development with getting my game models in to our engine.. and didn't like how volatile the game industry was, so went back to tech support for a bit, and just…
I wish I would have found programming when I was younger, found PCs in 1994, and started working in the IT field and programming was always foreign to me, but I loved troubleshooting and problem solving, last 3 years been picking up Objective-C when one of the developers at my previous gig jumped ship and they needed…
They have custom settings as well so you can create special window sizes.
I love using Moom..… <—you can even get it on DVD.
All of your issues are null and void.