
Not so fast, I can't play more than 5-10 minutes without getting kicked to the loading screen than back to desktop no errors or explanation. Updated drivers, updated punkbuster, updated gamefiles, it's very frustrating for some people.

you... you can have 'both'.. is that wrong?

If you are looking at NVidia Surround at all for gaming, NVidia has pretty much dropped the ball on any real support on every driver for Surround users 10 months this year.. Just check out the nvidia forums for surround nothing but issues. I've had it with trying to get them to fix issues. :(

I still don't see why leather isn't an option on the Golf..

bah.. nevermind looks like they took that ability out of retail iOS7 it was in the beta.. :(

Also of note you "CAN" use a landscape photo as your background in iOS 7 and it will move with the phone..

Here's mine need to tidy up the cable management and all but it's working for me. For sketching I am using a MS Surface Pro now was going to get the Cintiq 13HD but decided the Surface Pro was more flexible in regarding where I can sketch. I like portability. Gaming is pretty nice on 3 monitors, and I can have a

This is an article I wrote almost 13 years ago at GameAdmins.com. It's surprisingly still pretty accurate. It was in response to legislation regarding blaming video games and other obscure things for the actions of a few individuals. I ran a game server website and wrote several articles for PlanetQuake.com and worked