
Don’t cut yourself on all that edge!

Well I’m not sure if this is relavant. But in the old days if you got caught “screen looking” while playing goldeneye, we all agreed you were a dirty cheater and reprimands were in order (If not accompanied by kid’s fists of fury).

Are we sure it wasn’t Frank Reynolds?

We’ll make our own AX cosplay thread! With blackjack and hookers!

It was pretty brutal this year. If you didn’t have a specific non metal/ moving parts gun prop.

I wonder what compels people to try and claim this event as their own and make up stories they know are obviously false.
It’s just such a small scale thing to pretend is yours.

Yeah I can confirm the hell that AX is this year. I got here at 10 lined up around 11?

I hate the trend with triple A games, that falling short of a metacritic arbitrary score goal essential sacks the developers.

*stares at Mona approved iphone and cries before going to bed*

Running two friends through Dark Souls 2 (original), because there’s less chance of invasions and more chance for Jolly cooperation!

I hope it grips me more than the first one. I don’t know why but it took me a really long time when playing it before I actually started to enjoy the world and wanted to know more of the story.

I love Tyranny, for making you slowly justify really bad decisions in this huge bureaucracy of evil and you don’t even feel bad about it until you really think about it.

Tyranny doesn’t so much have a non ending as it ends at the act 2 of a 3 act story but calls it act 3.

I too, am replaying the New Order, this time the timeline I didn’t do (Wyatt).

ESPORTS COMMENTERS - We’re not talking about the real ones. You guys do good work. I mean the fakes ones that companies drag out to narrate gameplay demonstrations at E3. It is excruciating. Please stop.

Everything looks neat but as far as I’m concerned Wolfenstein 2 takes all the trophies.

Not Jade Empire nor an normal rpg?

Reading some of the comments here, I wonder how much of our perception of EA Battlefront is colored by nostalgia for Pandemics run.