“The chain recently released a clip to, hopefully, inspire young people to get part-time jobs there.”
This week’s Oglaf is sfw.
I always like to quote my father when it comes to 90's comics (he’s been collecting since the 1960s)
It’s not often you run into a game developer that doubles down on the Uwe Boll tactic.
Well I suppose if aliens were to take over every major city in the world. The only people readily available to fight back would be everyone living in the boonies and destroyed places with Mad Max cosplayers.
Thing about Dark Souls 1 & 2's story I found was that I don’t think the story itself is actually a very good one.
I’m quite excited for Warhammer Total War. It’s the last gasp of Fantasy’s Old World as I knew it before Age of Squigmar’s Siegmarines took over.
You have to remember this is GW we’re talking about.
I too often go back to Colonization every once in a while.
“, during the early 19th century, Japanese people did not hold tuna in high regard”
God best/worst story I got from heavy rain is that I thought the game was pretty fun and thought that my father would enjoy it (he’s from the era of hardcore Sierra Adventure Games)
This is fantastic news.
Pfft yeah you’re right, I was thinking Injustice but for some reason it came out Convergence.
This is one part of Hal Jordan’s history I kind of hope we’d keep buried, otherwise we’re gonna have to go through the whole Specter thing again.
Hmm the graphics may be showing their age but there are plenty of graphic mods for NV that actually make it look pretty decent. Like so.
Battlefield 4's story was actually ok, now Battlefield 3 had the best/dumbest story ending ever.
Looks to me like they got rid of that Soul memory nonsense of Dark Souls 2.
There’s sort of an unwritten rule where it’s generally frowned upon to bring your own food to a sit down place. They think that somehow you’re not gonna order stuff as a result.
Heck one time I was denied entry to a BBQ place because I was bringing my own homemade BBQ sauce (I find most run of the mill BBQ joint…