And Esteban Calderone would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids.
And Esteban Calderone would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids.
I’m making my way through the Grace of Kings.
I heard though despite season 5 going off book, unless we saw Stannis’s head directly chopped off we may not want to count him out since he’s in this weird Schrodinger’s cat situation in the books regarding Winterfel.
I really like how they showed you popping open the back of power armor to step inside of it giving a different HUD as a result.
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The facial animation still seem a little iffy, but I do like the option of actually seeing your character talk this time around. It quite adds to the immersion.
I’m glad to see that they’re keeping in the really weird techno whale punk aesthetic from the first game.
I was surprised by how much I ended up liking Star Wars Rebels. Even space Aladdin (Ezra *cough*).
You forgot to mention that the Bloody Baron’s wife Anna cheated on him and that’s what set him down the path of drunken fury initially.
I round room and Steve Trevor in trouble started giving me flashbacks to the Wonder Woman intro in Batman the Brave and the Bold.
What about the people who look at modern comics and complain about the art style, ink being too dark, pages being too shiny, radical story changes to previous characters, or just poor anatomy.
I think ultimately it comes down to the fact that for most people it’s a hobby that you do for fun and don’t get paid for. So it relies on your own initiative and work and in many cases life just gets in the way of hobby projects.
This kind of wins it for me, if only because I didn’t realize what I was staring at for a good couple of seconds.
I’m not exactly a fan of Gamestop, Hot Topic, or Think Geek.
Haha spoiler alert for an 8 year old game?
Now redo it with low intelligence and watch as you bumble your way through fallout’s plot somehow accompanied with broken English.
I have extremely mixed feelings about Saekano.
“PC version being “negotiable”
Huh... and here I am 7 hours later floating around near Novac with all sorts of mods installed, really grinding my way through... :/