
If the previous thing was a Tomagotchi, then there's a Furby here watching you from behind the screen with demonic eyes and a shrill force from hell.

I'm assuming that's the great green light your English teacher always wanted you to know the symbolism of in the Great Gatsby.

My dream DC movie project is a smaller film done in a sort of detective noir style featuring The Question.

I'm thinking something in the vein of the French Connection with a bit more conspiracy thrown around because it is the Question and psuedo Objectivist Ditko weirdness.

He almost makes you believe that sheer force of will and greater brutality than the criminals is needed because the evil must be punished.

I was personally amused at the Star Tours robot piloting the ship

Even though I love Dragon Age I thought this was a pretty generic too.

But not because of character attachment (in a 2 minute trailer that's kind of hard to do without cardboard cutout archetypes).

But I was blown away how generic the art style was. I mean that was a major complaint about DA:O which is why they tried to

Oh man Civil War was always one of those story arcs that had an interesting premise but kind of flopped on execution.

One of the cooler things about it was that every hero in the Marvel continuation got involved somehow (I enjoyed Luke Cage and Iron Fist basically leading a grass roots resistance against Stark).


While I'm celebrating that they're trying to return to the celebrated basics. I hope there's more to the game than just multiplayer

I'm really loving this season so far and for once I see a time jump in a TV series that works in its favor immediately rather than awkwardly.

But I just caught up...

This... this strangely... works...

That guy's super monotone voice makes me swear I'm watching Desna play videogames.

So I took your advice and marathoned Legend of Korra first.

I found Origin really isn't that bad and the free older games is nice.

This movies series is one of those things where the base idea isn't bad it's just the execution that's terrible.

This is bizarre like David Lynch surreal.

But if it means I don't have to go into another brown room with chest high walls and binary "moral" choices. Then I'm all for it.

"Rising atmospheric CO2 benefits all life on Earth by improving plant growth and crop yields, making food more abundant and affordable, helping the poor most of all.

Now playing

Not going to lie I'm going to celebrate with coffee today.

Wouldn't they all turn into sparrows? Since they'd all be waiting around for each other to see if one transforms since they don't think it's themselves initially. But once they don't see that happen they think to themselves, "Oh I must be the odd one out. It's a fact the stranger said so and nobody else has turned

I found that the pilot was surprisingly fun. It reminded me of a good rpg adventure with a strong balanced party.

The only character I don't care much for is the main kid cause he feels too much like the chosen one Wesley Crusher type.