
If only they could make an Empire Steam Tank and drive those other LARPers off the field.

I'm going to get flak for this but I really don't like Thor or Thor the Dark World.

My biggest problem with it is that the script read like it was written by a 10 year old. Super cheesy and over the top.

Do you have a source for that?

I always read that the modern zombie basically came from Romero's Night of the Living Dead which took its zombies from I Am Legend's meek vampires.

"I needed to build a publication that would bring science journalism together with cultural criticism and futurist ideas."

This right here is what has made io9 my to go site over Kotaku these days.

It's been quite a while since I've seen an actual piece of well researched and thought provoking journalism over on Kotaku

Well at least they didn't go with the literal rat plague a la Dishonored (I love you Dishonored but that was silly and you know it)

One thing I really liked with the exception of the end was that it didn't feel like they were overusing the CGI.

Any reason why Dr.Strange suddenly aged by about 30 years?

I feel like my life has just become ten times richer from seeing that Tommy Leee Jones ad.

April Fools right?

I love alternate history books but I really hate it when they become an excuse to make a fantasy story within the framework of, "alternate history".

I was exactly going to complain about this too. He's taking the Ptolemy dynasty and extending it as if it were Old Kingdom egypt everyone thinks about in pop culture.

The simulation is 100% accurate.

Meanwhile I weep for the Banner Saga

I wonder if any historians could clarify this for me. I was reading a College level history book about Egypt and it talks about how Egypt is actually something of a Monotheistic religion.

I get that it's supposed to be the same reality.

With Fontaine's world up there you would think all the stock piles of drinkable would make their way out and integrate with the swapped over injections of Ryan's world.


I'm actually one of those people who really liked the Two Towers over The Return of the King.

But in any case I think we can all agree the Two Towers really upped the ante and improved everything the Fellowship laid down as a foundation.

As silly as Quicksilver looks I'm really not feeling Scarlet Witches's "costume"