Now playing

I know that the internet is ... the wild west, and ideas are fluid and can't really be traced back to anyone.

Now playing

I know that the internet is ... the wild west, and ideas are fluid and can't really be traced back to anyone.

Does anyone have a basic idea how these both shake down in terms of working in Canada or other none-US markets. I mean, is it even worth it if we still can't stream from Amazon or the like?

It is because they are drawn as MASTABATORY AIDS, not characters. Ladies will ogle a well put together gent but the hyper-muscular dudes that are too muscle-bound to ever actually be athletic, are a MALE fantasy as well. It's a power fantasy, not a beauty one and it is not for female readers, not in the slightest.


My only regret is that this has come out in a month where I've a mere handful of change to make it to Payday!


I haz a massive sad but as long as he's doing other Batman stuff I'll refrain from throwing myself off of something high, without a cape. ;)