@Reil: Lifehacker Ninja: Ill admit I don't really use it much beyond the Android marketplace. I did use it to buy my Nexus One though, and I was satisfied.
@Reil: Lifehacker Ninja: Ill admit I don't really use it much beyond the Android marketplace. I did use it to buy my Nexus One though, and I was satisfied.
@Time Pilot AKA: I see what you did there.
What's not easy to use about Google checkout?
@vuvuzelafox: I'd imagine her comments were more related to the "vagina dentata" which is a myth that is in many cultures, rather than the movie based on that myth.
@kschang: awesome. Thank you.
Somebody help me out here... so does this mean that I can load xvids straight onto my N1 and watch them without converting first?
That application looked BADAss.
@Robotronic: That makes you jazz? Sweet! George Gershwin was the man! What kind of jazz do you-
@FriedPeeps: There still are pay-phones around, mostly in low-income areas (in St. Louis anyway). There's a few places in the STL that look like Iraq, but their pay-phones are in pristine conditions.
@bombastinator: true, true. They ARE reasonable if nothing else... and as far as I'm concerned, their customer service is top notch.
@superberg: its funny you say that, because I get 3g in my bosses office, but not in my own. Same goddamn building ...
Oh good! You still don't have 3g in MANY densely populated areas, but your already rolling out 4g! Excellent move TMo!!
@Luke Plunkett: I don't know what an SP game is, and unless you're talking about Gameboy, I guess we've both served each others points well.
I love that you guys felt like you had to throw in that "the game has problems", just to appease some the "eclectic gamer 'mos" that comment here.
Knowing blackberry, it'll come with the same shitty operating system they put on all their phones.
@OCEntertainment: I beg to differ, sir. You have HTC "flashlite", which is not the same thing.
@psxndc: Ah snap, I was wrong. You can turn off Sense on the Evo 4g, not the Incredible.
My mom set up the Netflix on her Wii yesterday all by herself, and she didn't call me once. This is someone who still can't figure out what controller turns the TV on.
@MikeSWelch: If you get an Incredible you can turn off Sense UI, or if you need 2.2 that badly you can root it.
@Trygle12's posts considered harmful!: I was thinking the same thing about the music. 1-3 always had excellent music. The themes for Casino Night and Mystic Cave Zone really stood at as catchy and somewhat trippy beats. I think the theme for the level where Tails is flying the plane in part two (can't remember the…