
We were having a costume party & one of my friend's came as Harry. I asked, "Who the hell is Harry Potter?" I've been a fan ever since. It's true about getting adults back to reading too. I had forgotten what pleasure reading was like until I picked up Sorcerer's Stone & read it all the way through in one sitting.

"Pretty interesting story, Freakazoid!, but there's something I don't get..."

From now on, when I watch the show, this will be what I see when I see Stefan and anyone I'm watching it with will wonder why I'm chuckling. God help me if I ever meet Paul Wesley in person. Bwahahhaa!

@CharlieJane "And Muppet Angel Stefan..." is going to stay with me all day. You made the juice I was drinking come out of my nose. :)

Visually Michael Bay movies are stunning, but I want a Transformers movie that is about the Transformers. I want to see them have actual interaction with each other and how about some gorram character development. The titles of the movies all have the word Transformers in them but they're all secondary characters.

Have you tried button candy recently? Haha!

I think they should be called the "Spanglers" but not to be confused with the "Spenglers".

I would go out of my way to watch this if it became a series.

You're welcome. :)

Dr. Rodney McKay

I watched every episode of "Smallville" and I liked it.

I'm okay with this, because Howard Stark was supposed to be the only inventor of the arc reactor and we know how that played out in the end.

In the last photo, there seems to be some weird crotch highlights. Did they go with a third "web" shooter.

Gonna guess there'll be no car surfing since parent groups couldn't handle the lame version of MTV's 'Skins'.

Maybe they've already looked at our "historical tapes", built a ship and are headed this way right now. I wonder which tapes & Captain they've chosen to negotiate on their behalf.

Ironically, after reading this post, I am more convinced that aliens are now broadcasting while we've got it turned off/unmanned.

This trailer puts me in a mood for Solovar & Gorilla City. Grodd could turn some humans into apes & there's your starting point for a "Justice League" movie.

Aaah, Texas, you just can't do anything small.

Now playing

I was under the impression that they weren't scheduled to arrive until 2086.

I will also wholeheartedly agree to the awesomeness of this photo if it's docked in slip 94.