
NOOOOOO! Don't take a picture of Weeping Angel!!! ;-P

Man, I miss Douglas Adams. Every time Apple puts out a new product, I always think to myself, I wonder what Douglas would've thought of this. What would he make of Twitter/Facebook or anything else on the internet? The digital age was his playground. He was truly one of the greatest writers and one of the first

Just don't get mad when we make jokes about the gas clouds of Bespin when we reach a relaxed state.

An excellent job in crafting these, but I wish he folded the wing-tips toward each other instead for a better folded profile.

Wow. To be able to act to and in front of that has to be an Oscar-worthy achievement. Tomar-Re must be spinning in the Lantern crypt. I hope they make his head a little wider in the final design.

I have my share of close friends, but none are this close.

Ack! Please, for the love of Asgard, stop using "HAMMER TIME", as a Thor-related metaphor for your article/photo titles, especially if there is no sign of the hammer.

I'm okay with this look, but it reminds me of the Dracula armor. I would prefer a smoother look with more black, but still excited!

@Dreamweaver13: Another idea, that's come to mind after perusing through the thoughts of the other commenters, is that it might be time for an obviously alien companion. Human companions are overused. This might help to take them away from all the Earth-centric plotlines, which might be more overused than anything

@Clarox: To take it one-step further, what if they found a former companion deep in the TARDIS that leads them to discovering a mystery involving events started by the 8th (Paul McGann) Doctor. I know lots of viewers don't like multi-Doctor stories, but I do. They don't necessarily have to interact and I always felt

So, I'm going to go in the opposite direction of this discussion and go with what's been underused. We're three doctors in, since the "re-boot/start/imagining/whatever we're calling it", and we haven't explored the interior of the TARDIS at all. They've eluded to it, but we haven't even seen the swimming pool.

@linworthnewt: I posted this speech & the one from Armageddon today on my twitter. They both have that goosebump effect when I hear them. You're not alone! :)

@serenada: Haha! I totally didn't consider it in those terms. You really can't go, "I want me to stand here and now I want me to look off in the distance thoughtfully pondering. Now how does that look?"

Why do actors, who direct episodes of shows in which they star, not appear more prominently in those episodes? If I were directing myself, I'd be selfish and make sure I had as much screen time as possible. Hell, it might even be a solo adventure!

In other ridiculous casting rumors of the day, I have been cast as Steve Carell's replacement in NBC's The Office.

@Dreamweaver13: Addendum: So it turns out that this was directed by Maurissa Tancharoen's brother. You might remember her best as "Kilo" from Joss Whedon's "Dollhouse" or as the Capt. Hammer fan, who'll do the weird stuff. She's also the female voiceover at the beginning of the clip.