
I think he's pointing out a bigger issue in the "good" Japanese games, not the majority. The majority of games in any country are shameless rip-offs and cash-ins, and while he's obviously choosing his battles I can see he didn't say that to incite rage (and gain publicity) so much as to bring about change.

Even that video doesn't help here. It's a great visualization of higher temporal dimensions but this is the fourth spatial dimension, so the rules aren't the same. We've had games that play with time as a dimension you can freely move through, but this is using an extra physical dimension. There's X, Y, Z, and... Q or

Imagine trying to play Super Paper Mario with its 3D effects, only without the 3D. So you can go toward and away from the screen and go behind Thwomps and everything, but without depth and without the ability to change perspective at all. Because this 3D game can't possibly display 4D, they're stuck with the same

2d objects project 1d shadows. 3d objects project 2d shadows.

Look for Disasterpeace. That's the artist's name.

You don't even know.

He's an independent developer. He has opinions like anyone else. He can't afford a PR guy and he probably doesn't want one. He didn't mean to say that every single thing that comes out of Japan is terrible. I highly doubt he would actually say that, even just limiting it to modern Japanese games. He slammed something

Because (and here's the only logical answer you're likely to get) the actions taken here, such as poking your head out of the mech, giving orders to the other people in the mech, changing stations, etc etc etc wouldn't work as well on a controller. Those actions don't need to be quick and precise, but are easy to

Oh wow. This sure hits close to home.

Perhaps it was being used for internal testing? I can't imagine why, but if they needed keylog data for debug/testing, maybe they just forgot to take it out.

Link acting very much out of character after learning to use guns (no way he'd be talking like that- I pretty much can't tell why he chose to use the character Link, because as soon as the action starts he's using guns and war-speak like any old soldier), the unnecessary descriptions of things that son't need

Settle down. There's no need to take that tone of font with me right now.

I did read it. It says half the rumored jobs are from LCD. The other rumored half aren't mentioned.

A. Not in the headline.

It's not the end of the world; calm yourself. Also realize, this is the game industry. Job security isn't a reality for people in this field.

Windows 8 protip: The Windows key is your new best friend.

I hate EA as much as the next guy, but let them do something good for once. Lord willing, maybe it won't be the last time we see a positive outcome from EA.

It's all in how Sony pushes it, I'd say. I mean, you'd be forgiven for not even realizing your PS3 controller HAS motion control capabilities. It's like an afterthought.

I wouldn't say that necessarily means anything. We use keyboard and mouse because that's what the interface is designed for, and the interface stays generally the same for the purpose of backward compatibility and user comfort. But there's a massive difference between convenience for the sake of an easy to use

Resistive screens are actually more accurate, in my experience. I can touch my DS screen with my stylus and get pixel-perfect accuracy. It doesn't need to be any better than that because it literally can't get more accurate than that. Yet, with the most careful touch of the tip of my finger, I can't hit a link on a