
See, god damnit, why is this so fucking hard? Seriously, this is some common sense shit, and would not take a great deal of effort or money to do.

Lots of column A usually in combination with column B

I really do, because in today's day and age one has to put on literal blinders to not find evidence of both sides of the argument (which is required by my rubric) when searching online.

I try not to let it get to me. But I do find it very interesting that I almost never get a teenaged girl writing from an anti-choice stance. I've gotten maybe 2 anti abortion papers from girls within the last 5+ years, whereas I usually get 3 or 4 anti abortion papers from boys every single year.

Well its okay to talk about what I want when I want to because the world revolves around me and my values so there.

Every year some teenaged boy in my class decides to choose anti-abortion as the topic for his persuasive essay. And every year I have to slog through a 3 page paper full of dubiously sourced "evidence" and half baked ideas formed by looking only at their own personal values and biased evidence that supports their own

Here's a crazy ass idea: How about we just stop telling women what to do with their bodies. In any scenario. Why is this so hard to grasp?

I saw Megan Mullaly in Young Frankenstein a fews years back and she was gorgeous (of course). She seems like she's lost a lot of weight since then. If she's healthy and happy, then good for her, I shut my mouth. But just in comparison to a few years ago, she seems awfully thin. Just hope she's healthy and happy!

You guys, I want an otter so bad. In college, my nickname was Otter. I need an otter of my very own. It can live in my bathtub!

I splurged today. I went to an estate sale and spent $195 on an in-working-condition 1934 table radio and an in-working-condition 1910 wall phone. I'm so excited to display them. I am a nerd.

This is so true. My mother drilled into me that being clean and neat in company is paramount. Seriously, I feel like a bad person when my house is a little messy. Like I'm a failure at being an adult when I can't keep Martha Stewart level cleanliness and cuteness while also working 50+ hours a week. These lessons also

Get a pastrami sandwich at Katz's Deli on Houston on the Lower East Side. Then walk a few blocks further and get a knish at Yonah Shimmel's Knish Bakery. Heaven. I miss living on that block.

I have so many feelings.

I just turned 27 and have no idea how I should be taking care of my face. I've always been blessed with pretty good skin, I guess, but now I want to preserve it and I am totally clueless as to what to buy or use.

Exactly. He's a 12/13 year old boy.

Norrington was my favorite! I STILL have a hardcore crush on him/Jack Davenport.

I loved the first 2 Pirates movies. Loved them. Like hardcore, fanfiction-writing, premiere-at-Disneyworld-going, loved them. The third was acceptable at best. The 4th made me want to tear my eyeballs out and cry for mercy. I cannot bear to ruin what little nostalgic love I have left for PotC by seeing the 5th.

Squishy Pratt all the way. More cushion for the pushin'.

No prob. I've also made english muffin sammies, but you have to freeze the eggs/ham and the muffin separately or they get mushy. So while you toast the frozen muffin, warm the eggs in the microwave and then put them together.

The burritos are vastly simpler and don't get soggy. That said, avoid putting veggies in the

I'm a teacher and I hate eating breakfast right when I get up because who wants to eat at 6:15am? So I've been making eggwhite, lean ham, and whole wheat tortilla burritos and freezing them. I make a bunch once a month and then take them to work to store in the teacher's lounge freezer. When I get to school around