
Aw, RIP, Bel Kaufman. Your play gave me joy as a Drama student in High School, your book gave me solace as a student teacher, and your play once more brought me joy as a an adult and director of my own HS Drama class.

Kaufman, you helped teach me as an educator that as dark as the tunnel may be, those kids you reach

I've been saving the s3 finale to watch right before the season 4 premiere in August. Enjoy!


They will pry my cardigans from my cold, dead fingers.

No, but they may do one of those live musicals they did with Sound of Music on NBC.

She really seems like a class act and also very humble. Really a rare bird in Hollywood. I wish more celebs could be like her.

She can do no wrong. If I had all the monies, I would produce musical after musical with her and NPH.

Scruff all day every day, baby!

Right, because people of different levels of attractiveness never find anything other than looks to attract them to each other, and never have sex or fall in love. Never happeened. Never will will.

If you look to the right of the opening, there's black rectangle that appears to be the latch for the dryer door. So it seems as though the dryer door is open and out of frame left. Kitty is using the tumbler in the dryer as his personal hamster wheel.

This is a little patronizing. The boiled down message of this comment for me was: Since only hotties wanna be with hotties, you need to work harder to make yourself hot if you want a hot mate. So if you can't make yourself a hottie, the answer is to aim for low hanging fruit, or pull a Sandy from the end of Grease,

Agreed. You know how some people say women are even more judgemental of other women when it comes to looks? I wonder how much of that is women internalizing this male-gaze behavior? Furthermore, I wonder how all this holds up in the Lesbian community?

Yeah, delete those.

I seriously read "Thanks, Lindy!" in Tina's voice.

They area terrible band, but that was some righteous coolness right there.

I think linking history to texts is super important. And I love that you intend to link novels to the geography.

Not all of the underworld was unpleasant and gloomy, just sort of meh for average people. You existed but had no real influence on anything. Only those truly wicked were punished and only those truly heroic were honored. As for Persephone, yeah, it was a dick move. And by no means am I trying to be an apologist, but

Do you teach social studies exclusively or do you teach a cross English/History Humanities class? Either way, sounds like you're really making your kids think.


As for Rick Riordan... I have so many feelings. The first Percy Jackson movie came out when I was a first year teacher at this teensy private school. As a reward for good behavior (this was a school for kids with learning and behavior concerns) and finishing their mythology unit, I convinced the principal to let me