
Yeah, he really is. I have fucked up priorities.

Oh, don't get me wrong. It is totally creepy as all get out. I do not disagree on that at all. I'm just saying considering her circumstances, is Peter the lesser of many evils? I'm 100% on team Tyrion/Sansa. But that is a whole other can of worms.

Oberyn won the Fuck Yeah award last night. On a different note, while Baelish has got the creep factor, Sansa could do a whole lot worse. He genuinely cares for her—no matter how fucked up that may be—is clever, powerful, and did I mention he KILLED A KING FOR HER?

As an educator whose job (in addition to teaching) it is to help assist in the upholding of school policy, my anecdotal evidence is valid. And furthermore, I teach the arts and ELA and I am a straight female. Sounds to me like you like to jump to conclusions. /End troll feeding sequence

Look, let's be real here. These kids did not get suspended for flouting dress code rules alone. Students who violated dress code were asked to change and some were temporarily sent home to do so. The students who were suspended were suspended for rioting and failure to comply with school policy. I really can't find

"Attending school doesn't mean you are an expert and just because you pay taxes does not mean you get to run the place. Leave it up to us - we dedicated our lives to this. And sometimes it sucks - so we complain...Do parents become bad when they complain about their kids?"

Oh give me a break. Is it selectively shaming a student when I tell him he has to change into his PE shirt because I am confiscating the one he's wearing with a girl in a string bikini holding a wad of cash over a background of rifles? Is it selectively shaming a student when I tell her she needs to change into her PE

I'm lazy and choose which play clubs I play mostly based on distance. But I'm in LA, so traffic is more of an issue for me than a subway ride. Why not try all within a half hour's subway ride and see how you feel about each? Some clubs have a better vibe than others. Sometimes the same club has different rooms with

I've been doing standup in my free time for the last year and a half. I really love it, but sometimes it's not so great. It really depends on the crowd, I think. I've been working with the same 10-15 minutes of material this entire time and sometimes it absolutely kills and sometimes it does meh. I find that the

Semi off topic, but Barbara Corcoran is my best male friend's aunt. She's a fiercely intelligent, nice, well spoken, and funny lady.

Gorgeous henna work. These women are beautiful and the henna helps celebrate that.

In the final stages of directing a play and I just want it to be opening night already. I'm thinking all show all the time. The anticipation is killing me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love directing. Doing a show is kind of like child birth. It's really hard and intense, but afterward you're so proud and happy

You, sir, are awesome.

This woman's bravery literally brought me to tears. Thank you, thank you Emily for doing this.

Presumptuous it may be. But I think it is equally presumptuous to assume that the majority of college age boys have a clear understanding of their male privelage in the world, especially in the context of studying feminist literature. Sorry not sorry.

This. This is exactly it.

Exactly. My boobs are very large, and I just don't have that much sensation in them. And frankly, the sensation is do have is, for a lack of a better word, annoying. It feels sort of like semi-tickling. It's an annoying, not a sensual feeling. I am much much more sensitive on my neck and back than I am in my boobs.

My hubby is very sensitive, and I don't want to make him feel bad by telling him I just don't dig the constant boob love. I feel like I'd hurt his feelings or make him feel like he "doing it wrong."

I wish I had some concrete advice, but as a HS teacher this has never been an issue for me. But do your best to help them check their privelage at the door. Whatever it takes. I had a bit of a struggle with this when teaching Kate Chopin's The Awakening with my Junior boys. But you just have to constantly shut down

I only ever had one OR in college that was also long distance. Our rule was that you could have stringless playmates, but no relationships. Problem was when his playmate became a daily playmate whom he also hung out with and texted all the time (even when I was in town!), while I respectfully stuck to the occasional