
I stumbled upon this recipe while trying to make something else, and it turned out awesome:

As an English teacher, I do my best to sneak in some "nontraditional" canon. When I taught British Lit, I did my best to include more women writers. This is my first year teaching American Lit and it's important to me that my students learn that the entire American literary experience does not have to be that of dead

As a deep lover of musicals and a theater teacher, I cannot agree with this more. The only musicals I despise more than The Sound of Music are Les Mis and Rent, both extremely overrated shows.

I am completely convinced that the acid thrower is Patti Lupone's character. It's been too long since we've seen her, and we have so far learned very little about her other than she's protective of her son and a bible thumper. Why wouldn't she throw acid in the face of a witch whose school next door could jeopardize

Aaaand childhood killed. Movie ruined. Granted, Rudyard Kipling was a racist asshole if there ever was one, so why should I be surprised?

Lady Macbeth

Nan confesses to not being a virgin and that men find her attractive. In combination with the fact that the neighbor boy seemed far more interested in her than Madison, I think it's fair to think Nan may be the next Supreme.


I saw it off broadway a few years ago. I am Jewish, and I thought it was hilarious. It's a really funny show.


If you'll notice all the women seem bound and in states of humiliation (facing away from the camera and towards a wall). I think this will relate to Kathy Bates' portrayal of LaLurie, who bound, mutilated, and tortured her slaves in her New Orlean's mansion.

As an educator, that teacher should be ashamed on themselves for doing that to you. Any good, compassionate teacher worth their salt knows not to humiliate a child like that. He/She could have easily helped you and thus provide a good model of teamwork for the other students instead of letting you twist in the wind.



Fight Club was definitely a better movie than book. Coincidentally a Helena Bonham Carter film.

This is my big orange tabby, Monster. and his little tortie sister, Mayhem. They are the moodiest, laziest beasts in the world, and I love them.

As a child, my dad used to make up stories on the fly when tucking me into bed instead of reading from books. The stories always had something to do with what was currently going on in my wee little life. Sometimes he would ask me to fill in details mad lib style. I will always remember those stories. I will also

Ambrielle at JCPennies. Some of them have little holes in the bottom of the cup that let air in. Sooo nice.

How to introduce role-play into your relationship without it being weird? I love to act, and I love the idea of role play, but I'm not sure how to get the ball rolling with my hubby.

That is the type of creeper I hate even more than the verbal creepers. And you put it in words quote perfectly, "Staring into my soul." It's like they're burning a hole into your chest with their eyes. Like they want to fuck you and stab you at the same time. So freakin' disturbing, I hate it.