
I couldn't agree more. I mean, there is the flip side issue of portraying truly healthy sized, non-modelesque women having the same inner dialogue sending the same message. But regardless, you have an excellent point. The Special K commercials really push my buttons because they all feature super skinny models, and

But that's not the point. There are many different ways to get people you care about interested and involved in their own health. Poking them in the stomach and saying something rude is not one of them. The fact of the matter is, there's a right way and a wrong way to approach difficult subjects like weight. Had she

I appreciate your honesty and share your feelings. I would be a bold faced liar if I said that when living NYC I never got a little pick me up on the occasion when I received a complimentary "Hey, baby," especially if I had put in a lot of effort into my appearance that day or didn't feel very good about myself that

The thing that gets me so riled up about the, "Well why don't we just allow people to marry animals then?" line of thought is that it essentially aligns homosexuals with animals, as if they are less than human. I'm sure I don't need to state how unfair and close-minded that is. But the mere logic of it is baffling. An

I agree 100% that Jason Isaacs just freaking MADE Hook in the 2003 live action film. He was alluring, scary, conniving, and emotionally stunted/pathetic all at once. He really was just absolutely perfect because he made Hook seem like so much more than just your typical villain. He gave Hook subtle shades of gray


If only the US was so kindly towards all refugees, not just ones who make headlines. That is not to say that al-Obeidi doesn't need or deserve US protection.

I say let them do what makes them feel good about themselves. I mean, to be honest, not all men look like Jason Statham when bald. Some men are yummy bald, some not so much. I think we would all be lying if we thought every balding man looked as sexy as he did when he had hair. On the flip side however, some men

That is really a shame because as a white woman I have always though that black women who wear their hair natural are amazingly beautiful. I had a professor once who had the most gorgeous, perfectly coiffed afro and it suited her beautifully. Then one day she came to class after having chemically relaxed it and I was

Having had sex with a long haired man, it is way sexier to think about than do. If you have long hair and he has long hair it is just too much damned hair. It gets in your faces, in your mouths, tucked under armpits. Kissing and such gets really hot and sweaty and not in a good way under a freaking blanket of hair.

And yet my fiance constantly tells me he would do just about anything to get me to chop my long red hair into a pixie cut. I love my man but I've been with my hair longer longer. Never gonna happen.

As a teacher who has dealt with her fair share of monsters, I couldn't agree more. The kids who are the nastiest towards peers and teachers also tend to have parents who just couldn't be bothered to discipline them and/or spend any time with them.

We should ask Satoshi Kanazawa his opnion on this matter. /end snark


The Notebook is so much more than a chick flick. I am really tired of any romantic movie automatically being labeled as a chick flick. In my opinion, chick flicks are mindlessly sappy and completely over the top, unrealistic for the sake of making girls swoon. The Notebook had real heart to it, and was believable,

I had almost forgotten about Julie of the Wolves. I remember tearing through that series when I was girl. Awesome.

The Lioness Quartet was my LIFE from 5-8th grade. All of her female protagonists are great, strong role models, without necessarily seeming "masculine." And they dealt with some very important things in a girl's life without being trivial or melodramatic, like your first crush, getting your first period, feeling

"If you speak with a British accent somewhere in America, people respond more favorably and you can get free shit."

Yeah but she's being English in England, so your point doesn't really work here. Her accent in the context of this film would be the same as you using your American accent in America. It has no novelty whatsoever to the subjects in the film.

This was both fascinating and really saddening. She's a lovely girl either way, and it was astonishing to see how very easy it was for her to get just about anything as her sexy-self. Some have commented that she seemed more smiley and flirtatious as sexy-self, but isn't that all part of the sexy-self facade - smiling