
We should ask Satoshi Kanazawa his opnion on this matter. /end snark


The Notebook is so much more than a chick flick. I am really tired of any romantic movie automatically being labeled as a chick flick. In my opinion, chick flicks are mindlessly sappy and completely over the top, unrealistic for the sake of making girls swoon. The Notebook had real heart to it, and was believable,

I had almost forgotten about Julie of the Wolves. I remember tearing through that series when I was girl. Awesome.

The Lioness Quartet was my LIFE from 5-8th grade. All of her female protagonists are great, strong role models, without necessarily seeming "masculine." And they dealt with some very important things in a girl's life without being trivial or melodramatic, like your first crush, getting your first period, feeling

"If you speak with a British accent somewhere in America, people respond more favorably and you can get free shit."

Yeah but she's being English in England, so your point doesn't really work here. Her accent in the context of this film would be the same as you using your American accent in America. It has no novelty whatsoever to the subjects in the film.

This was both fascinating and really saddening. She's a lovely girl either way, and it was astonishing to see how very easy it was for her to get just about anything as her sexy-self. Some have commented that she seemed more smiley and flirtatious as sexy-self, but isn't that all part of the sexy-self facade - smiling

Whether or not it is "damaging," it is completely inappropriate for 8th graders to be eat at Hooters while on a SCHOOL trip. It is not damaging to see a rated R movie at 13, but it is not appropriate in school either. Promoting sexualized atmosphere in any school context outside of Sex Ed is just beyond reprehensible.

Whether he specifically said so or not, it was certainly implied. Obama has failed to do many of the things he promised. Would have voted for Hillary if I could. And THIS is exactly WHY.

I wish I still lived in NYC so I could protest this absolute insanity. Those men deserve to rot in jail, as does their lawyer!

I love that bitch! She is all kinds of awesome.

There's a freaking world population crisis, and we're seriously all that worried about cell phones reducing a few little spermies? Cry me a river.

Disallowing shorts for one gender but not the other is ridiculous, but as a teacher, I feel like shorts should probably be disallowed in general. It's like they don't make shorts that go past the crotch these days. It is absolutely unbelievable what the administration lets some of these teens get away with. I can't go

"They give us a chance to feel like we belong to something bigger than us."

I did my student teaching at this school, and it is absolutely wonderful. Educated staff, polite kids (they have to audition to get in to this public school, so they all WANT to be there), encouraging arts programs galore. This is any teacher's dream school. I hope they raise enough funds for whatever great projects

Any guesses that less than 1% of that combined 112mil went to charity?

I can appreciate that WW does try to lure men with meat and beer, but the reality is, WW is the only weight loss program I've ever known that teaches you how to eat properly whilst still enjoying occasional indulgences (like beer!). Men and women alike can enjoy beer and meat, and I agree that the commercials are a