Nothing. This game is everything. This game is every game put into one game. It is also the universe. It can also support a family of 5.
"What does sci-fi mean to you?"
YES! All of my YES! The multiplayer is really what made that game (though the SP was pretty great too). I still bring a copy of SF:A and extra Gamecube controllers whenever I go to a party. We always play it for hours. THAT'S a game that lasted.
Vader - "The force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet."
Luke is shown, doubting himself.
Sora - "You're wrong! Luke IS a Jedi!"
*boss battle music begins - The Imperial March*
Vader, pre-battle taunt - "I will show you the TRUE power of the Dark Side!"
*powerful Heartless surround Luke and Sora, and…
1. The character shown in the trailer is not wearing Link's traditional green outfit
Early on the morning of November 30th, 2007, a newly-hatched Twitter account posted its first tweet. It was an odd…
Technically Superman is an undocumented alien, everything he does is breaking the law.
"Why can't we have a Superman?"........I think we do, and I think his name is Superman.
Day-Man Ahhh Ahhh
Lot's of people here still seem surprised by the inclusion of guns and combat.
Éric Chahi's Another World (AKA Out of This World) is a timeless cult classic, one that holds up because if its…
I hate the internet.
I'm sorry, OP, that almost all of the replies here are so incredibly twatish. I can't believe anyone would compare being a straight male playing a female so they can watch lesbian sex in game to actually being gay (How revolting it must be to see! /s) Or the hardship of having to play female protagonist in that one…
Just make the girl char look like a pretty boy. Maybe you'll realize you have a secret desire for sum pussy. :p
It's great that you liked playing a lesbian Femshep in a game that gave you that choice. Dragoture is talking about a game that doesn't give him that same level of choice.
I feel ya, but I personally just decided I'm not gonna use myself in it or anyone I have real life connections to. My partner is definitely not going in, for sure. I'll use the mii I have with a face that looks like a rocket ship taking off.