I'll be 20 in a few weeks but it's not like that matters since the internet believes no one :P
I'll be 20 in a few weeks but it's not like that matters since the internet believes no one :P
Did you just...old man me? Over a robot fighting monsters movie? Like...for real?
Oh darn you got me, I purposely didn't like the movie just so when I state my opinion online assholes can tell me how wrong I am and pick on me forever. You're a clever one Pillbinge!
I wasn't aware I needed help but thank you!
Probably because everyone was talking about how it's the greatest movie of all time and how amazing and fantastic it is so I kinda expected it to be...ya know, good?
I wish I was asleep. If by giant love letter you mean a shit movie with boring fights, bland characters, and a plot that makes no sense then sure. But you know, to each their own and all that.
Why is it a bear? Why does he have a beer? Why is he yelling? This shirt is amazing I need this shirt!
I was born with a rare condition that doesn't let me have any sort of fun at all. As you can imagine I had a very rough childhood due to this but I've learned to live with it now.
Hmmm fleshed out characters who I actually care about who can decide what they want to be and not switch between 2 or 3 different personalities, actually interesting fights instead of boring, slow fights that last way to long and try to hard to be cool, a plot that at least somewhat makes sense instead of just plot…
If only the actual movie was as good as those costumes heyo
There it is! Was wondering when someone would drop the reference XD
Lego Batman 2 was by far my favorite Lego game so I am hyped for this!!! Just hope it has a character select screen as big as Lego Marvels!
Awwww that's so cool! I want it all! Even the sandwiches cakes which sound weird but look good XD
World War I? Comic book styled art? Gorgeous music? HOW AM I JUST HEARING ABOUT THIS NOW!? gonna be picking this up!
A fully open world recreation of my home city that I can GTA through? I'm sold on that alone! The story parts are just added bonus XD
AAAHHHHH SOOOOO EXCITED!!! Wasn't a huge Guardians fan up until a few months ago and now I'm all over the comics so I'm excited as hell for this movie! Definitely going to the midnight release!
I totally get everyone plays differently and if you wanna play as a girl and you're a guy or vice versa for whatever reason you have then you go for it.
Well my Shepard actually was Alex cause that's my name and I played Shepard as myself. Didn't know my name was so popular XD