Well thank you Doc :3
Well thank you Doc :3
Im lovin the Superman one. Awesome!
Adventure Time stuff is almost as annoying as Pony stuff, but I can get behind Adventure Time more than MLP.
Still...meh. I just don't like Andrew Garfield. Nothing about him seems like Parker from the comics to me. Sure he may be funny and stuff like the comic Peter...but it just doesnt fit right with me. My other problem is Gwen Stacey. Now, I love Emma Stone. LOVE her, shes amazing...but I just dont like the fact that…
Haha you are welcome good sir
Weeeeeeeeellllll I liked the other Spider-Man movies and every since I saw the first trailer for this I've thought...meh. Im sure itll be fun and cool and all that, but I don't think I'll love it like the other ones. Also Andrew Garfield just does not seem like Peter Parker to me.
That image is the BEST.
I had a boyfriend who absolutley loved Deadmau5 and to bug him I'd always say Dead-mao-five. haha never gets old.
This is adroably amazing!
Meh, the Cee-Lo one was better. Lets just leave Maroon 5 to Maroon 5.
And thats a bad thing?
Going out and getting Lego Batman 2 today! I've heard nothing bad about it so far so Im soooooo pumped!!! You get to fly around a full open world Gotham as Superman. It's gonna be epic!
Well I guess that "Dragon Age 2 is a terrible game!!!" comments are better than anti-gay comments so alrighty!
Blah I'm still disappointment that it wasn't given a release date it was the thing I was most excited for :/
How about umm...NO
Ooooooh I want it!!! And its only 50? I thought it was gonna be one of those crazy ridiculously priced ones! But its only out in Japan? Damn :(
Im playing my birthday today...woot!!!
Sweet, the more the merrier! Plus Drake should be a fun and interesting character.
Excitment levels = not quite through the roof, but pretty interested. I want to see more characters and alternate costumes, then maybe I'll be more excited.