
Just coming down here to say I wish I didn't click on that Facebook link. Gail Lane, you are an asshole. "And if she is 18 she knows she is not suppose to drink. So maybe she regrets the night before and is crying wolf. But that is my opinion. So dont send hate messages." I won't send you hate messages but I will call

The media wonders why it took so long for Sam to be drafted when they are likely to blame. I'm sure he dropped due to the fact that he's gay, but no team wants to deal with all the media coverage that will come with him on the roster. It's going to be like Tim Tebow all over again.

I guess we have a different understanding of "under two minutes."

I'm so glad that Dr. Cash did this :) As a moral principle, no one should have to pay for reconstructive treatments after an attack. While our society doesn't yet recognize this, I'm glad that we have individuals who do and who volunteer their services.

This just makes me sad to live in a country where the charity of a dentist is required for someone to actually get teeth.

Yep, they have daily shows I believe. One advantage of having your store in a city chock full of highly trained but totally underemployed dancers.

I'm a service animal (dog) user, and I opened this article expecting to be outraged, but . . .

I'm all for mini horses or pretty much anything as service animals, but if the problem is that the lot is too small then the city has the right to remove the animals. that's a lot of animals for a property that small... and if that first photo is of their shelter, then there's no way that offers enough protection

What about overcrowding, safe conditions, and odor?

oh man this seems bad from both sides. I fully believe the mini horse is helping the child but it seems that the city has a bigger issue with animal welfare and public health of the parents' having a willy nilly petting zoo in their back yard. Either way the story is a total bummer.

I've seen service horses in action, and they look like the real deal to me (though it's disconcerting to see a pony trotting down the sidewalk). But it doesn't sound like the horse is the actual problem. If those plurals are right, there were at least 2 birds, 9 domesticated mammals [EDIT: 13, actually, since the

Can you 20-somethings and 30-somethings please stop calling yourselves "old"? Because it is pathetic, and, perhaps actually a little off-putting to those of us who actually fit the moniker. It isn't cute or funny or precious: it is just ridiculous, and self-aggrandising. You only say it because you know that you are

The best way to ensure you have a snow day is to complete your homework. If you plan on having a snow day and don't do it, boom, you're going in to class. If you do it, it's nothing but sledding and hot chocolate for you.

So this is all HIS fault!

I don't know about Canada, but the United States has a blanket 10-year moratorium on re-entry if you have overstayed your visa in the past. So it is possible that the answer is "nothing would have convinced them."

In an ironic twist, the elevator actually has better bathroom facilities.

The little mission control girls made me teary, I don't know why.

Honestly, I don't care about the quality of their product. The quality of their message was spot on, and I hope that it motivates more little girls to seek out building tools or other toys that don't fit the typical girl stereotype, regardless of the brand name on the box.

You actually can go into a store and buy a high-quality, interesting building toy, regardless of what it's called, what its cover looks like, or who it's marketed to, and give to a girl.