
It’s worth noting that as framerates increase, pixel response times become a more and more relevant metric to maintain a crisp image, and Samsung’s QLEDs in this range have a ~3 ms response time, while LG’s OLED is around 0.3 ms, so roughly 10x faster. 

As an IT project manager, let me say to this:


Why is anyone shocked? Ya’ll really thought CDPR was different?

In case you havent figured it out. I had to turn off my ad blocker and then it showed up

*Changes bookmark to the old version*

Whomever ok’d the new design really should rethink things. Good lord that’s a massive fustercluck.

Yeah, these demos are like concept cars.  They’re neat to “ooh” and “ahh” over, but no one outside the team making them will ever get to drive them.  

This is beautiful.

No games are going to look like this.

LOL even in their tech demo she had to squeeze through a tight space to buy time for rendering.

I would just love it if every time I went fishing I didn’t get more eggs. When I want some damn fish. 

Tree Branches are infinite, you can just keep shaking the same tree and eventually more will come out, unless there is no place for them to drop, in which case you can pick up the ones you have and keep shaking for more.

Fruit trees take 3 days to regrow their fruit. I know this might seem obvious but I know a lot of

Mine involves Big The Cat . . . . and nipple clamps.

As someone who doesn't much care for anime art in general....hey, those are pretty cool! 🙂

if FE had something besides skinny sword-wielding anime teens

Being “rewarded” with a chance to win gifts from a raffle system where tickets are “paid” via mandatory extra hours is the premise of a Black Mirror episode that has yet to be written.

It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.

What is the joke in that Corpse Run strip? I am genuinely baffled as to what that’s supposed to be making fun of.

Oh hell yes, that’s right. Titanfall 2 is on PS+ this month. Get it get it get it get it.

This is why I get sad when any smaller developer gets bought up by a large publisher. It’s never because they want the games and properties, it’s always because they want the people to apply to their preexisting properties. EA is notorious for this, but Valve is right up there with them. I knew this announcement was

Life in Aggro hit it clean out of the park this time. The connection between a max-level, epic NPC sending a new player character off to do something they could do quickly and with little risk and the fact that much of the older generation is currently telling younger folk to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”

This is pretty much exactly what I wanted to read about Sword and Shield.

Maureen Dowd has a longstanding reputation for being a gossipy, condescending writer who is too informal about serious situations and who characterizes women she doesn’t like as too slutty or too masculine, and men she doesn’t like as too feminine.