
The only one I can think of is Final Fantasy XIV, and that was a pretty special case as an MMO, not even a multiplayer game per-se. Didn’t Evolve get a little boost for a while after switching to free-to-play? But again, that seems more like a special case considering Unisoft seems to be still trying to draw in new

lol, I WISH it had more value!

Sorry, I can’t hear you up here in Canada, where most new PC games cost $80-$90 standard <______<

I just installed the FAR mod and have had no major issues with the PC verion. A bit of frame drop as it loads new areas when running between locations, but fine otherwise during gameplay. Also, totally worth the price o.o The game’s fucking great.

In theatres? I hate 3D; costs do not justify the experience, especially in my shitty local theatre. At home though? I still use my PS3 for watching 3D BluRays, though obviously only for movies where it actually makes a difference. It’s kind of silly watching Gravity in 2D after you’ve seen it in 3D >_> And something

If I’m understanding what I was told by someone who’s been playing D. Va since the beta (I’ve never actually really used her so I have no first hand experience), this “nerf” is meant to put her back into being a quick flank tank rather then a mainline tank. Her last update made her too surviveable compared to what

As far as my experience, observations, and what I’ve been told by others that play the game more then I do and religiously follow the update information, yes: armor heals slower then health, even when using Lucio’s heal boost.

Armor doesn’t heal as quickly as health :/

As someone who plays a lot of Lucio, I don’t see how this makes D. Va LESS surviveable. Even just last night I noticed how it was hard to keep her alive because I couldn’t recover her shields, but with a larger health pool Lucio and other healing supports will be able to keep her total pool up for longer >__> Won’t we?

“I may have asked before...” Noctis says for the 8th time since I loaded up the game this session <___<

Wait... Ebony coffee is a real thing? I honestly didn’t even realize that O.O No wonder they mention it every 10 minutes :/

Same here, I just wanted to read the article about pre-ordering. I don’t really like PewDiePie, but I’ll admit I did watch his The Last Guardian video last night (the second ever of his videos I’ve fully watched, lol). I did it because I wanted to see the demo for the game XD

A few years ago, as the PS4 was releasing, one of my friends pre-ordered one during the summer before its release. A month later, he was accepted into a school out of province and had to move. His family was able to pick up his PS4 for him, but he wasn’t even able to play it until he came home for Christmas in

Thank you for that Azula gif O.O
That’s one of my favorite scenes in the entire show XD

*Sigh* Reading all of this makes me realize it’s time for a 4th full watch through... Also, the final fight between Azula and Zuko, you forgot to mention the AMAZING build up of watching Azula’s decent into madness preceeding it. I’ve never seen such a disturbingly beautiful display of someone have a psychological

A lot of it has to do with the size of the TV you’re using as well; anything lower then a 32" TV and you’re not really going to be able to see a difference in 720 to 1080. And the same goes for 4K. I’ve seen 4K on a 60" TV, and it’s beautiful, but anything smaller and it barely looks different from 1080 <.<

Guess I really am just lucky O.O

Am I seriously the most lucky person on the planet? I played The Walking Dead Season 2 as each episode first release, The Wolf Among Us as each episode released, Tales from the Borderlands as each episode released, and now Batman’s first episode on it’s release, all on PC; I’ve only ever had minor bugs, and never one

I have no idea what’s going on O.O Either I’m very lucky, or everyone else is crazy, because I played through this just after it unlocked on my PC without any serious issues. I found one bug where if I accessed the codex through the Bat Computer before the plot demanded it of me, I got stuck in that computer screen

I’ve been using Roll20 for years, and it’s a good tool. I can only imagine how much better it can become if Wizards gives them some extra funds to make improvements.